Chapter 29: You better not f*ck this up

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"Your highness. Are you sure about this?" A biy with Golden locks strangely looked at his so called master, he can't believe that his master is changing his original plan now, after years of preparation he's now planning to catch a bigger and much more dangerous fish.

"Are you questioning my thoughts Amin?" A beautiful you man with raven locks said, holding a pen and paper. He looks like he's signing a contract, but why would an academy student do such?

"Yes I am. Why would you do sich a thing, Amon, what you're planning is dangerous." You can see the worry in the blonde boy's eyes, just from him saying his friend/master's name means that he's extremely serious.

"How dangerous can it be." Amon said in a carefree manner. His eyes never leaving the paper he's holding.

"Amon. You want to start a war! Now tell me, is it not dangerous?!"

"Amin, the future is far too ahead, starting a war is still at the third part of my plan."

"What made you do this?!"

Halt. Amon's writing stopped briefly, his ruby eyes met Amin's golden ones. The presence of the room suddenly went down, the blonde young man's heart thump nervously, to see his master like this, it's been so long that he already forgot this side of him. Or should I say, the real him.

"Amin, if I stop the game, and run after getting all the good cards, won't it be only such a waste. Since I have the best cards to win, why not go all the ways and be a powerful lion instead of a thieving cat?"

"Are you sure it's only for that? You never cared about power nor being at the top, I'm asking for the real reason Amon, don't you dare lie to me."

Amon didn't say anything anymore but he just laughed. Amin grit his teeth seeing that Amon won't speak any further, he knows that he's not in the place to question his master's decisions but he just can't help but feel betrayed. Aren't they friends? Aren't they almost like brothers? They've been together for so long, Amon always shares his plans to him, but why can't he do the same now?

"Tell me, is it because of lady Amethyst?"

Amon only grin. "You do know me too well."

About Amethyst? But why? Why would Amon do what he was planning for Ame? Why did his original plan change?

Hey Author you better tell us what the fuck is going on and why didn't you update for so long!

(A: I'm very sorry I was busyyyy!!! ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ)

(Ame's POV)

Now that I think about it... My dream, what I really want, to live a lazy life, I haven't actually done it since that incident with Arya. My whole purpose, I forgot about it. Just because I want my revenge.

And me trying to not get on the capture target's bad side, just because I don't want to have the ending the old villainess got. Why am I so stupid?! It's not as if I'm still the original villainess, what am I afraid of?! When did I bacome such a scaredy cat?!

Why am I even doing this? I changed, when did I become so petty? When did I become such an idiot? Damn it! This feeling... What's happening to me... I-I....

"I hate this!" I unconsciously shout, I accidentally stabbed the table with the fork that I am holding making it split into two.

"You don't like the cake?" Amon said looking as calm as ever, holding his delicious cup of tea. I silently sit down still at dazed, rethinking my actions.

"You must be stressed because Arya will be joining the academy next month."

"No. It's not that I'm just... Thinking about something." When I finally got ahold of myself I sadly look at cake that's I was eating. Man I've been such a fucktard, the cake is now all ruined. I just wasted food and money.

I'm so selfish, just because I want everything to go well for me, I started scheming. I just want to live a quiet life, when did I... Change so much? I've been so mean to Arya, to father, and even to Aunty, even if we did had a fight they're still my family. What's worst is I am using Amon, grandfather and Mildred as my shield, how could I be so mean?

God I've been bitchy.

"Urk. I hate myself."

"Don't worry we can buy another cake."

"It's not that dummy..."

"Then what?"

"It's nothing."

"If it really is nothing then why are you about to crying?"

I didn't say anything, there's no way, I can't tell him about all of that, he'll think that I'm a crazy person. He didn't push me any longer and motioned the butlers to clean up the mess I've made.

Argh! What are you being so depressed about Ame? Get a hold of yourself! It's already in the past now! Even if you regret about it you can't do anything now! Just be better! It's in the middle of the afternoon yet why am I thinking about things like this?! Ame you're such an idiot! Such an idiot!!!

"You don't have to tell me. Just remember that I'm always here to listen." Ugh, why is he being so kind now? It makes feel bad.

We stayed silent for a while, he just stared at me while I try to ignore his piercing gaze. This is so awkward, please make it stop.

"Come." He said, patting his thigh.

"What?" Does he want me to sit on his lap???

"I said come right here."

"I'm not a dog!" He just raise his perfectly arched brow at me. Ugh dammit, fine. I stood up and sat on his lap, facing him. He then made me lean on him as he lightly pat my head.

This bastard better not be smirking at me or I would strangle him. I quietly look at him to test my theory, when I see him smiling warmly at me my glare instantly soften. Okay I was wrong.

"I'm sorry..." I said burying my face on his neck.

"For what?"

"Because I can't tell you what I was thinking about."

"I understand, we have secrets we want to keep."

"How big can your secret be?"

"Much bigger than you think."

Something... Much bigger? Like your banan-


If this is about him running away with a large bag of money then too bad for him I already know it.

(A: OR DO YOU?! “ψ(`∇´)ψ)

.... Author what are you planning to do?

(A: Nothing~)

You better not fuck this up!


I'm sorry for not updating for mabye a long time... (◎_◎;)

Everyone please stay safe and thank you for supporting my story. It's not that great but I grew to love it because of you guys, again thank you very much~!

I wuv you guys ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Reincarnated as a Villainess: This Miss is Really Lazy! [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now