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I. Am. A. Fucking. Princess. Well, I really am but damn! I'm living like a queen!

Everyone is so nice to me, no one dares to go against my thoughts. Grandfather is so loving, I feel like I'm the luckiest kid in the whole world. Also these past days have been full of gifts, I was a little embarrassed at first but dang my skin is getting thicker with every day. AND BOI DO I TELL YOU! HE GAVE ME A TELEPORTATION STONE!


I feel like if this continue longer I will be a spoiled brat, Hahahaha! I'm just joking, kind of.

"AMEEEEEE~ Grandpa is here to give you something!" Ah, speaking of the doting man.

He burst in with a large pink gem in hand, it's the same color as my eyes. Nikolous is trying to calm him down, telling him that he still is the king, while grandpa Max is leaning against the door with a large grin on his face.

Ah. He must have thought that I like shiny things, it's not partially wrong because every time he gives me a treasure my eyes sparkle. I can't help it I love money.

But... It's just too much, he even let me wear his crown which is really wrong! The king and only the king can wear the crown, and wearing it is a crime that can get my head rolling down.

And I can't be too greedy, greed is a sin.

(A: Don't forget about sloth you lazy ass)

As long as I'm not hurting anyone then it's not bad, idiot Author.

"Grandpa~! What are you doing here?" I said cutely, I ran towards him like a little kid, he instantly threw the gem away and opened his arms for me.

"EEEK!" I yelped when he suddenly carried me and spin me around.

"Ame~ my lovely child I miss you~"

"Grandfather, we just met this morning!"

"Still~" and then we laughed as he spin me around.

Yes, I act like a 5 year-old kid in front of him. Because if I don't he'll be gloomy all day saying something like: "my granddaughter doesn't love me."

"I should've kidnapped her from her father beforehand."

"That bastard Nox he already stole my daughter now he's stealing my lovely Ame."And he'll shout and glare at anyone except me.

Of course he wouldn't show this side of him to me, but how did I know? Nikolous, the handsome butler with red hair said it to me hoping to get my help, I was not convince at first when Nikolous told me that cause he's like a puppy with me, but when I saw it, I was shocked on how he could change from a ray of sunshine to an ice block in a second.

So, I have no choice but to entertain him. It was so embarrassing but it's for all the servants and for all those people who talk to him, it's a sacrifice that should be made. I think that's also a reason why they respect me. I sweat drop just from the memory.

I still can't believe he's already in his 50's, he looks like he's half of his real age, he's also very strong and damn, is he very good-looking.

"Grandfather, do you have something to attend to later on?"

"Why? Do you want me to be with you the whole day?"

"No, I was just curious." Please don't cancel all of your appointment.

"This kid wanted to talk to me about something." He said bitterly, he looks like he would rather die than talk to this 'kid'. I wonder who that is.

"After you have a meeting with him, Ame will bake you cookies!"

"Really?! Ah~ I'm looking forward to that! Let's just go to the kitchen right now-"

"NO! Um, I said after the meeting!"

"He's not important anyways, so it's alright to make him wait-"

"No means no!" I said, crossing my arms while slightly pouting.

He sigh, meaning that he alreasy surrenders. "Alright, we'll do it later."

"Really?! Yey! Grandfather is the best!" When I hugged him his face instantly lit up.

The servants who are already long forgotten, looked at me with pity or admiration, but they all smiled thankfully. While grandpa Max is smirking at me, seeing my forced smile. He's having fun seeing me suffer.


A beautiful young man is sitting elegantly in a sofa, the servants are amazed by this mysterious beauty but no one dared to talk to him. He opened his ruby red eyes, his glowing red eyes scanned everyone's face but no one reflected. A small smile on his face making him look more appealing.

All the maid's hearts- dang even the butler's heart skipped a beat, his raven hair slightly swayed even if the windows are closed making him look ethereal.

He's waiting for the king but it's been half an hour, a butler said that his highness have something important to do but he knows that's just bullshit.

Then, the large door opened, showing a handsome man with long purple locks, the man looks relax but he can see the hidden glare the king is giving him.

Amon chuckled. "Took you long enough, your majesty."

"My granddaughter visited me."

"Oh, is it your son's?"

"It's non of your business." His respond made Amon's ears perk, he showed a knowing smile making the king want to take back what he said.

"What do you want." Elios said trying to pry Ame off Amon's head, he needs to end this and protect his granddaughter from this wolf.

He leaned in, a mischievous smile in his lips and his eyes shine making it glow stunningly. Elios suddenly felt nervous, as if he came back to his young foolish self and he's talking as the king for the first time.

"I want to discuss something..."


I wonder who is that kid grandfather is talking about.

I thought while mixing the cookie batter using a wooden spoon. This is what I promise him, I wonder if he'll like chocolate chip cookies, of course he will who doesn't like chocolate chip?

First I need to get the chocolate. I searched all around the kitchen to find one, but there's nothing. Ah now I need to buy one, I'll just ask someone, I glance up looking for another person only to remember that I told them to leave me alone.

Then I have no choice but to leave. After going out of the kitchen it only took me two steps before I bump into someone.

"Ah! I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"Pfft." A familiar voice made me freeze, his voice got deeper but how can I forget that annoying brat.

I look up only to see his ruby red eyes, he's taller, there's still some baby fats on his face but he has gotten manlier. Dang is he still beautiful, I feel like the male leads would turn gay if they see him. But the thing is...



Hey guys I updated again!

I just wanna tell you about my other story, the titlebis I'm nothing but a side character. It's about a side character who found out about the future, or who knows what will happen in the novel. I'm not much too confident about it so I wanted you guys to tell me if I should go continue it. (◎_◎;)

Well I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! See you next time! (☆^O^☆)

Chapter 21, Complete!

Reincarnated as a Villainess: This Miss is Really Lazy! [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now