Chapter 22: THAT BASTARD!!!

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"I can't be here?"

"No! Just- why?!"

"I could ask the same to you."

"Didn't I sent you a letter about this?!"

"A letter?" He asked, raising one of his perfectly arched eyebrow.

You mean my letter didn't came? I even threatened the messenger that I'll kill all of his family members just for this. What can possibly be the reason- wait, I can only think of two reasons, one, it must've arrived late, or two, something blocked my letter. Ugh. I feel like the second one more likely to happened, grandfather must've blocked it. Yep. I'm sure.

"Forget about the letter. I'm here because I want to."

"What about your fight with your father?"

"How did you know that?" I thought you didn't get the letter?

"Amin told me."

"Your personal guard?"


"Were you stalking me?"

"Yes." He said as if it's the most normal thing to do, is he not ashamed? How thick skinned can he be? Usui is that you?

Speechless,I just looked at him dead in the eye, then I slowly clap my hands as if I just watched a life changing drama. Every second my pace quickens and now I'm clapping as if I'm that terrifying monkey in toy story 3, while he just looked at me like I'm some kind of newly discovered species of idiot.

"Why are you clapping?"

"I don't know." I said still clapping.

"Your clap is too loud, are you trying to summon a guard?" I stopped because of what he said, and then lightly clap my hands while slowly looking around trying to catch a guard, and unfortunately I hear shouting from the otherside, and I can also feel rapid footsteps from the same direction and boi do I tell you! There's 5 of them! What luck!

Thankfully Amon is quite fast, with a hand on my mouth and another on my waist, he pulled me inside the kitchen then lock the door. His movements are very swift, while I'm here gapping at him the whole time.

How the fuck can he have such soft hands?!

He have such hands?! While mine is full of calluses! How?! Why is life so unfair? This boy is much more beautiful than me, aren't I the female one here?

Waaaaah~! I want to be beautiful too!!!

"Princess! Princess?! Are you alright?! We heard a scream! Princess please answer us!" Voices shouted behind the door.

"I'm alright! I just saw a friend!"

"A friend?! Princess is it the black haired brat?! PRINCESS OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR!" Then they started banging the door as I look at Amon asking what did he do. He just shrug his shoulders while sitting comfortably as if we're no about to get caught.

"No! I don't wanna open the door! IT'S NOT A BRAT, IT'S A RAT ALRIGHT?! MY FRIEND IS A RAT! EDUARDO IS HELPING ME BAKE MY COOKIES! IF MY COOKIES TASTES BAD I'M GONNA TELL THE KING IT'S YOUR FAULT!" At the sudden mention of my grandfather, they quickly scrambled away leaving us alone again.

I release a deep sigh. Why the heck did I hide him anyways? Forget it. Now I can finally be at peace-

"Pfft. Eduardo? Really?" I spoke too soon.

"Shut up, didn't I just saved your sorry ass?!"

"Saved me? I can just teleport away, I don't need your help."

Reincarnated as a Villainess: This Miss is Really Lazy! [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now