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[ Regina's pro ]

Today is Halloween. I love Halloween because it brings out the child in me.  Being able to dress up and have fun.  Getting to be something scary. Well... Scarier than me. Emma is having a party tonight so I'm excited for that. She just won't tell me what she's dressing up as.

"Come on. Tell me already" I begged for the billionth time already today.

"Nope. You'll see. It's very scary" Emma replied with a large smirk across her evil face.

"Fine. Well I'm going to get changed. Go help Blake. We both know what he's like" I sighed as with an eye roll at her secretive behaviour. Emma walked to the door but she then just looked at me with a small smile. I chuckled a little at her just staring at me. "What"

"Your such a mum" Emma replied as her smile brightened and she looked more loving at me.

"Shut up" I said with a sigh at her attempt of mockery.

"I'm serious. I like your becoming a mum. Being with you for 3 months now and your already like a mother to Blake" Emma added with a slight chuckle at me and a bite of her lip.

"Well he's a cute kid. Now go help him" I laughed pointing towards the door with a playfully stern mum look.

Emma gave me that same smile as before. I giggled a little causing her to leave the room. God I love her. I bit my lip watching her leave. I then snap out of my thoughts and go to the wardrobe. Taking out my costume and quickly changing into it. A vampire. I have red eyes. Bite mark in my neck. All black tight outfit. Hair straight. Red lips. Dark eye makeup. As I finished Emma walked in.

"Whoa... Sexy vampire alert" Emma smirked as she walked over to me with lust in her eyes.

"Don't worry I'll only bite if you ask me to" Regina added as I bit my lip with my fake thang. Emma pecked my lips before walking towards the bathroom. "Hurry up then. I'm dying to see this costume now" I eagerly encourage since I just want to hurry up and see it now.

"I'm going. Just don't get too scared" Emma warned as she walked into the bathroom with a large laugh.

She then closed the door. I sat on the bed waiting. Blake came running in dressed as a mini Harry potter. He loves the movies. Well the first four. Emma won't let him watch any of the others since he's so young.

"You look awesome Blake" I said with a large smile to make him even more happier.

"Thanks. So do you" he cheered while jumping up onto the bed.

I kissed his little head with a giggle. I love this kid. We both sat eagerly waiting for Emma. The door opened and she came out with a proud smile on her face. I looked at her costume carefully. She had a brunette wig on that was down to her shoulders. I then noticed she was wearing one of my pant suits on. Her makeup was done how I usually wear it. I knew her costume straight away.

"Really" I asked with a frown as I stood up and put my hands on my hips.

"Really" Emma mimicked while copying my position.

"Mummy are you meant to be Regina" Blake asked as he started giggling at his mother's costume.

"Yep. Do you like it" Emma replied with a proud smile and laughing hysterically.

"Not funny. I'm not scary" I sighed with an angry look on my face at my stupid girlfriend. She raised her eyebrows at me like I said something crazy. "Ok I am but not scary enough to go as for Halloween"

"Don't you think I look hot" Emma mocked still laughing lots while making her way over to me.

I pulled her into my arms with a frown at her. She was giggling into my ear as she hugged me tight.

"Fuck you" I whispered into her ear so Blake didn't hear the swear word.

"Love you too" Emma laughed even more as she pulled away nearly falling to the floor.

We all went downstairs and finished sorting out the rest of the party. People soon started arriving and the party was going great. Quinn walked over to us with a laugh at our outfit. She was dressed as a dead Dorothy.

"Vampires and wizards and Regina. Ow my" Quinn dramatically said as she looked at our threes costumes.

"Really" I asked with a single eyebrow raise and Emma next to me laughing hysterically. Before I could say something I saw Mateo arrive. I told him not to come. "I'll be back in a second"

I quickly walked towards my boss who was just wearing normal clothes. He noticed me coming and walked closer to me. Not looking happy as always.

"I've been trying to call you" Mateo growled with an annoyed look on his face like he usually does.

"I've clearly been busy. I told you not to come" I sighed with a frown he actually showed up.

[ Emma's pro]

I was talking to Quinn with Blake on my hip. My son wiggled out my arms and ran to the living room where all the other little kids are playing. I giggled a little before looking at my best friend.

"Where did Regina go" Quinn asked looking around a little confused.

"I don't know" I replied scanning the room to find her. I then saw her talking to a tall tanned man. "There. They don't look happy" I added pointing towards the arguing pare.

"Who is that" Quinn asked looking at me since I'm supposed to know.

"No clue. Maybe her boss. They really aren't happy" I replied noticing there argument getting worse.

They were getting very angry. Regina looked like she was ready to punch the man. It must be her boss. He is who she hates most. I decided to walk over. As I got close I heard them.

"Fuck you Mateo!" Regina snapped as she shoved his shoulder with lots of force.

"Hey is everything alright" I asked placing my hand on Regina's shoulder to get her attention.

"Yeah it's fine. He's just leaving" Regina quickly replied not taking her eyes off him.

"Not before I meet this gorgeous woman. I am Mateo. Regina's boss and housemate" the tall Hispanic man said while holding his hand out towards me.

"Hi. I'm Emma. Regina's girlfriend" I awkwardly replied knowing this man can be quite horrible.

"Awe the famous Emma Swan" Mateo smirked as he examined what I looked like.

"Mateo just leave" Regina demanded with a hard glare at her boss like she wanted to hurt him.

"Don't worry. I'm going. Take good care of her Emma. We both know she's amazing in bed and wouldn't want to ruin that" Mateo replied with a huge smirk before turning to leave.

What?! Regina slept with him. She told me she only ever slept with women. She lives with him and has had sex with him. I looked across at her to see she was angry.

"Is that true" I asked looking across at her still really shocked.

"Fuck! I have to go" Regina quickly replied before pushing her way through people in the direction Mateo went.

No way! No way she actually slept with that guy. I looked down still very shocked by that. I can't believe it's true. Regina lied to me. There must be a reason why she lied to me and I'm not sure I want to hear it.

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