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[ Emma's pro ]

It's the next morning. I'm sat at home with Quinn. Blake is playing upstairs with his toys while I'm watching friends in the lounge with Quinn and talking.

"I saw you the other day with that cute guy. What's going on between you two ay" I asked refering to the date I caught her on.

"Awe Emma he's so nice... and so pretty" Quinn replied as she bit her lip dreamingly at the guy she was refering to. I chuckled a little at her and shook my head. She looked at me curiouly and I know she is going to ask me something I don't want to answer. "Speaking on so pretty. Have you spoken to Regina recently"

"Yeah. She came over yesterday" I replied looking into my cup to avoid eye contact.

"What? Why didn't you tell me" Quinn quickly asked as she sat up looking very confused and shocked at me.

"I didn't really want to say anything. She's coming back here today to say goodbye to blake and then she's gone. Out of our life completely" I explained while bringing my drink to my lips to drink from it.

"Why? You know you love her. No matter what she done it couldn't have been enough to make you fall out of love" Quinn sighed as she took the drink from my hand and put it on the coffee table.

"I didn't fall out of love. I love her so much. I can't though. She broke my heart and my sons. I don't want to forgive her and I'm not going to" I sternly replied as I slouched down into the sofa annoyed.

"Emma snap out of it! She is a fucking amazing woman who loves you so much. That photo she had of you smiling and laughing was beautiful. She told me to find you someone who makes you this happy. Who fucking made you that happy Emma? Who" Quinn asked in an angry voice as she glared at me like I'm stupid.

"Quinn enou"


"Regina! Regina made me that happy! But that's gone" I snapped back now sitting back up annoyed she asked.

"Why though? I know she done something bad to you but you love her. We both know she is meant to be the one... We both know you want her to be the one" Quinn quickly said before I could carry on speaking.

"I know" I sighed in defeat as I slouched down into the sofa knowing she got me.

"Emma I-"

The door then knocked. I leaped off the sofa quickly since I'm glad this conversation is over. I went to the door not thinking of who's at the door. I opened it seeing Regina throwing up into one of my plant pots. I was confused at what she was doing and why. I went to help but she stood up straight and wiped her mouth.

"I'm so sorry. I'll pay for that" Regina quickly said as she used her thumb to tidy her lipstick.

"Don't worry about it. Are you ok? Are you sick" I asked trying to tell myself it's for Blake's sake but I actually secretly care about her still.

"No I'm not sick. I'm fine. Can I talk to Blake" Regina asked as she straighted her posture and took a few deep breaths.

"Yes of course. Come in and I'll quickly grab him" I replied moving out the way a little awkwardly and avoided eye contact.

"Thank you" she softly replied as she stepped in and closed the door behind her.

"Who is it" Quinn shouted out from the lounge.

"Regina" I replied as I started heading up the stairs. I went into Blake's room and opened it. Seeing him on the floor with his toy airplane. "Hey kid. There's someone downstairs who wants to talk to you"

"Who" he eagerly asked as he jumped to his feet with his plane still in his hand.

"You'll have to come down and see" I replied smiling slightly as I'm worried how he will react about all this.

Blake smiled brightly and ran out his room. I followed him down stairs to see Regina talking to Quinn. Her back was to us as we came down. She looked round to see Blake and smiled in that gorgeous smile she does.

"REGINA!" blake screamed in joy as he ran so fast over to her. She bent down and caught him in her arms. They held each other in a tight embrace since I know they missed each other. There relationship melts my heart and I hate I'm taking her away from him. "I missed you Gina"

"I missed you too mi hijo" Regina replied holding the boy in her arms with so much love across her face.

I can see in her eyes the pain of having to say goodbye. It was written across her face in bold letters. They pulled away and she smiled weakly at him. Tears already in her eyes. I can't watch this. I can't do it. I walked towards the lounge pulling Quinn along with me.

"That's going to break both there hearts" I said knowing if I watch I'll break and do something stupid.

[ Regina's pro ]

I placed my hands on his shoulders and looked into those green eyes. My eyes are already tearing up knowing this is going to hurt us. I gave him the most of a smile I could causing a bright one from him.

"Mummy said you had to go away and we wouldn't see you again. Did she lie" Blake asked softly as he looked at me with Emma's curious face.

"Umm no sweetie. I have to go but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to you" I replied as I looked down upset that I have to leave a boy who is like my son.

"So your really leaving? I don't want you to leave. I want you and mummy to be married and be together forever and stay with me and be my other mummy" Blake quickly said as he looked really sad like he would cry.

"I do too. I want to marry mummy and be with you guys forever. I want to be your mum too but I can't. I have to go. I'm so sorry Blake" I apologised as more and more tears began to build in my eyes.

"I don't want you to go" Blake said as he started to cry and sniffle with the most saddest face is ever seen him have.

"Please don't cry. Your going to make me cry" I begged as I tried wiping some of his tears. Blake soon began sobbing and his little bottom lip trembled. I pulled him into my arms as I began to cry. His sad little face caused me to break. "I'm so sorry sweetie. I love you so much"

"I love you too" Blake sobbed as he gripped my top and squeezed me as tight as he could.

I held him in my arms for ages. I don't want to pull away. Blake is like my son. I love him and Emma more than anything in this world. I don't want to leave them both. I really don't want to leave.

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