Lady Earthquake Chapter 27

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At long last, the orders came to move the Hawks to the small town of Huidan, on the border of the Thousand Li Forest, where they would meet up with the rest of their division. "It's not famous for anything except some religious buildings, has a population of about three thousand, and is not at all well-to-do according to the tax returns." Luyo sighed drearily. "What a fate! No girls except for some country bumpkins who perform nothing but folk-dances."

"I will be saving all my money, that's for sure," Yan agreed.

"Good." Ban-Li dropped his reins to yawn and stretch. "You owe everyone money, except me."

"That is because you're a hard-hearted man, Shu Ban-Li."

"That is because I am observant." He picked up the reins again before Tienma could get any funny ideas. The horses seemed as bored as the men, jogging along in a misty air that would not make up its mind to be either fog or rain.

"At least we can have one more good carouse in Bashan, if we can find a decent place. The last time we were there we were not very lucky," Luyo said. "You came from there; do you know any good willow houses?"

Ban-Li, aware that Sun-Sin was only a few strides away, said, "None I'm willing to recommend to two such connoisseurs as yourselves."

"What about The Abode of Dreaming Willows?" Luyo asked. "One of the fellows told me it is pretty good. Do you know that one, Brother Shu?"

Seeing the prince's head turn, he said quickly, "Never heard of it."

"Yes, you have," Sun-Sin said to his adjutant's horror. "It was around the corner from...where you used to live. I believe you knew it very well at one time. Have you forgotten?"

"You must have been a precocious child!" Yan said with his loud laugh. "You are no more than a lad now."

Ban-Li looked fixedly at his Senior. "I preferred the House of Sighing Shadows in the Southern sector. They have a wine there that tastes of spring apples."

"Oh?" Luyo's ears pricked up. "Any dancing?"

"Yes, excellent. They have a contract with each year's Chief Flower of the City. She performs there often."

"Wonderful! Will we have a night off, Captain?"


"Then let's all four of us go...and Uncle Mo as well."

"Not I, Lieutenant," Mo said from just behind them. "I want nothing but a soft bedmat and twelve uninterrupted hours of sleep. As an old campaigner, my advice is worth more than gold."

Ban-Li drew Tienma out of the column. "I have to stop a minute. I will catch up."

He waited until most of the column of riders had passed, exchanging waves and greetings with most of them. Since the 'whitewash fight', the Hawks had been standing with more prideful postures and the prince's Junior Brother had become almost as well-liked as T'ien Sun-Sin himself.

Then a few merchants, taking advantage of the military presence and protection, passed by with profound bows for the uniform, if not for the man. One palanquin held several young ladies who pulled aside the curtain to glance at him. From inside, Ban-Li heard plainly, "What an ugly fellow!"

"I think he is sweet."

"How can you say such a thing! Shameless!"

As Ban-Li went into the trees to do what had to be done, he laughed to himself. But he sobered when he thought of the conversation he just held with Sun-Sin and the others. Bashan would be full of similar pitfalls and dangers, quite aside from those in his own heart. He only hoped their stay there would be as brief as possible.

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