Lady Earthquake Chapter 30

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Master Cho spoke up from a nearby table. "I can vouch for Adjutant Shu's gifts, Colonel. He is indeed most remarkable."

"Remarkable? How old is he?"

"I am seventeen, Colonel. Almost eighteen." 'Almost' would be true if it were the end of next spring rather than the start of winter.

"I have been training him for some weeks now. We could give a demonstration now, if...he is willing."

"Gladly!" Ban-Li stood up, though his knees were shaking a bit. For a moment, it had seemed as though Colonel Pingtao had seen right through all his subterfuges. He glanced down at Sun-Sin who rolled his eyes but did not object.

But what was Master Cho up to? His commentary on using martial arts for mere entertainment were both scorching and lengthy. Anyone who had trained with him could repeat it, word for word, right along with him.

"Perhaps later," the colonel said. "Right now, let me see that sword you carry, young man."

"As you wish, sir." He crossed the open space between the tables, knelt down, and raised the sword up in both hands.

Colonel Pingtao drew it swiftly and cleanly. As he turned the blade this way and that, letting the torchlight run up the blade like burning alcohol, his expression went from pleased to confused to perplexed. "Where did you get this?"

Oh, my, I do not care for the way this man is looking at me.

Ban-Li did not know if the words came from within or without but he sympathized. The Colonel had a penetrating eye, even more so than Sun-Sin. He repeated the increasingly thin tale about a pawnbroker. Colonel Pingtao shook his head slowly. "You never got this at a pawnbroker's shop."

"Yes, I did, sir. Cost me a week's wages."

"This is a very rare weapon. The sort of thing that is guarded by sleepless dragons or nine-headed monsters in a fairy-tale. I know of only two like it; both kept locked away forever in royal treasuries." He squinted along the blade. "Do you see these characters, here and here?"

Ban-Li looked more closely. "I never saw those before."

"They are in an archaic script that no one now living can read. I have seen them before on other ancient pieces. Some scholars believe that they read 'Property of the Celestial Emperor', though that is in considerable dispute."

"If he ever comes to claim his possession, I will gladly hand it over...if that is how the judge rules." From behind him, Sun-Sin cleared his throat noisily. Ban-Li, remembering the signals they had discussed earlier that day, bowed respectfully. "I mean, Colonel. Sir. Colonel."

Pingtao examined the hilt, squeezing the leather cover experimentally. "There is definitely a shape under here. A dragon, perhaps, or a wild cat. Something sinuous." He groped for the dagger he wore at his belt, still holding the blade out in the other hand as he studied it.

"I would wager if we removed this wrapping, we may learn more. Though it is possible that this is a later hilt if the old one gave out. That often happens. The blades last forever; the rubbing on the hand on the hilt will eventually destroy it."

Nobody rubs me, my friend. And nobody cuts me, either.

Perhaps the colonel's concentration wavered, perhaps it was only the first faint tremor of the coming earthquake, but the sword suddenly fell from his loose hold as though it leapt free. Ban-Li stooped swiftly and caught it an inch from the wooden floor. Without conscious thought, he slid it back into the scabbard he held. The faint 'click' as it went home sounded very loud.

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