Lady Earthquake Chapter 42

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Before he retired, T'ien Luo-Bi drank a final cup of warm wine in his chambers. His servant stood before him in a respectful attitude. "Is there any news of that person?"

"No, your highness. He has neither been seen nor sent any message."

"And what of my brothers? How is their health?"

"The Second Prince spends his time in contemplation. His poetry has not improved. He eats well. The Fourth Prince has been confined to the military prison. He also seems at ease."

"But not wasting his time on bad poems, I presume."

"No, your highness. He has been seen studying the close-order drill manual."

T'ien Luo-Bi showed his teeth. "I wish them joy of their impotence. You may go."

"Thank you, your highness. Sleep well."

"Wait! One more thing...." He drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair. His servant did not show his surprise though it was rare for this prince to make any unnecessary movement or to hesitate in giving his commands.

"This girl...this Miss Earthquake...what an alias!"

"Your highness?"

"Find out everything. Where was she yesterday and every day of her life? How does the Grand Consort know her well enough to foster her into the Royal Household?"

"Yes, your highness. I shall begin with her servants."

"Save that. Watch her servants but do not question them as yet. I do not want her or the Grand Consort to know we are investigating her. Let her be comfortable in her mind for a while. Now you may go."

Others came in, soft-slippered and silent, to attend his person. T'ien Luo-Bi paid no more attention to them than to the quilt on his bedmat or the guards on the door. They were part of the furnishings of his house. Even the patient girl in a single robe standing by his bed meant nothing. He dismissed her along with the rest.

He lay down, his long body at ease, folding one arm behind his head. Ever since he was a boy, he had felt that this was the best moment of the day, when there were no distractions. His torturous mind could follow even the most twisting paths to their inevitable conclusions. He could picture each possible outcome as though watching a play unfold, only he chose the story's end himself. It never failed to amaze him that the strings he had tied to others worked exactly as he predicted every time. Only once had he completely failed because the person he had misunderstood had been himself. There were now no living witnesses to that disaster, save one, and he felt easier in his mind about it. Time to think only of the future.

So why then, despite his efforts, did a pair of stormy eyes persist in staring boldly into his own, a vision of bright-brown eyes that would not be dismissed at his command? Others had defied him; many others had declared quaveringly that they were not afraid of him. Over the years, he had become a connoisseur of fear, understanding each type, how to raise the level of intensity, and learning how to make dread do his work for him. That girl, that Earthquake, was afraid too, yet still her eyes had challenged him. Who did she think she was? Who did she remind him of so strongly? Every word she'd said to him had been like an echo of something he had heard before.

"It is going to drive me crazy...." He found himself smiling into the darkness. "I shall have to see her again tomorrow. And I think I shall find out her real name at the very least."

* * *

The next morning, An-Xia and Ganxie set out on a tour of exploration at the Grand Consort's instigation. "You must learn the palace thoroughly so that wherever I send you, you may go and come as quickly as you can."

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