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jisung wakes up before minho does, wincing as the sunlight shone into his eyes. he sits up, stretching a little as he looked around the room.

minho was still sound asleep, and jisung stifled a laugh once he caught sight of minho. through the night, minho had managed to turn 180 degrees. his feet were now on his pillow and his head was on the edge of the mattress.

he shakes his head as he stands up, ruffling his hair a little. should i wake minho up? jisung decides not to and he walks up to minho's bed, kneeling down as he observed minho's face.

the boy was even more beautiful when he was asleep, somehow. jisung couldn't help but smile as he listened to minho's soft snore, yearning to reach out to touch his face.

his heart dropped when he remembers that he wasn't a human, he wasn't from the same world as minho. he'd never be able to touch minho. he won't ever be able to imagine a life with minho, because they were from two different worlds.

the thought of it made jisung sad, he didn't want to think about it at all. pushing those horrid thoughts aside, he picked up a pillow from the ground, carefully aiming it at minho's face.

he throws it at minho, making the boy yelp in shock as he almost falls off the bed. minho's eyes are only half open as he glares at jisung who was busy laughing.

"it's time to wake up, you idiot. we have to get ready to head to my hometown, remember?" jisung says whilst laughing.

minho yawns as he gets off the bed, stretching his back. "alright, i'll go take a quick shower and then we can head off to get on the earliest bus."

minho grabs a few clothing items from his closet before walking out of his room, his hair still messy. jisung smiles as he heads downstairs to the kitchen, he could smell the breakfast minho's grandmother was making.

he could smell the spicy stewed fish and the kimchi as he walked down the stairs, and jisung can't help but think about the breakfast his mum used to make for him.

he would kill to taste it one more time, but it sadly wasn't possible. ghosts can't taste food. he walks into the kitchen, where minho's grandma was, humming to herself as she prepared the meal.

he thinks about his own family back home, his smile dropping as soon as he realises how much he misses them.

he continues standing there, watching as minho's grandma sets the table and places the steaming dishes on to the dining table. jisung can't help but drool at the sight of the food. ghosts don't get hungry, but they are still able to smell food. and drool over it.

jisung hears footsteps behind him, he turns around to realise it was minho. his hair was still slightly damp but at least his eyes are fully open now.

"breakfast smells really good, grandma" minho grins as he walks over to the dining table, shooting jisung a small smile.

his grandma smiles in delight as she sets a bowl of steaming rice right in front of minho, "eat up! your grandfather had already left early in the morning."

minho quickly sits down and thanks his grandma for the meal, before he starts gobbling up his breakfast, occasionally shooting glances at jisung who was now on the sofa, just looking at minho eat.

minho hurries, not wanting to make jisung wait. "slow down, if not you'll choke" his grandma laughs as she watches him in amusement.

minho shakes his head, his mouth still full of rice. "i can't, i have to go somewhere today. i might come back a little late, so don't cook dinner for me" he says as his grandma nods in understanding.

as soon as minho finishes his meal, he thanks his grandma once again and runs to grab his coat and wallet, before heading out with jisung.

"quick, we're about to miss the bus" minho says as jisung runs along side him. minho grins as the both of them run towards the bus stop, feeling the wind against their faces.

they make it just before the bus leaves, both panting a little as they find seats. minho lets jisung have the window seat, and jisung thanks him with a small smile.

minho plots himself right next to jisung. just then, a woman walks up to minho, "hey, is it okay if i sit at the empty seat next to you?" minho glances at jisung, who had a panicked look on his face.

minho shakes his head and gives the woman a sheepish look as he quickly placed his jacket on the seat, well on jisung specifically. "sorry, the seat's taken"

the woman frowns at minho's odd behaviour as she walks away shaking her head. "thanks minho" jisung says in appreciation. minho smiles in return as he closes his eyes, preparing himself for the one hour bus journey.

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