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"hey, we're arriving soon" jisung whispers softly as he tries to wake minho up. the one hour bus ride had gone by really quickly, both boys had managed to fall asleep while listening to minho's playlist.

minho wakes up, yawning as he looks out the window. the bus was already approaching jisung's hometown.

jisung chews on his lips, his hands clamped together in excitement. he hasn't visited his mother in quite a while, so he was excited to see them again.

even though they wouldn't be able to see him.

the bus comes to a stop and the bus doors open. the boys get up and alight the bus and minho looks around the town. it definitely seemed much more interesting than his grandparent's town.

"lead the way" minho says as he extends out his hand, gesturing for jisung to walk. jisung giggles as he takes a step forward, walking down the familiar path he used to always take.

his house wasn't located far from the bus station and the boys reached in no time. "that's my house, the white one" jisung says excitedly as he points at the house.

minho stops walking and his eyes widen. "wait, how am i going to get in the house?" he asks, making jisung turn around.

he gives minho a confused look. "just float through the do—" he stops himself, his mouth forming an 'o' shape. "ah, i see the problem" he grimaces.

"should i just say that i'm your friend? and that i left something with you before you passed away. somehow never remembered it until 5 years later" minho suggests.

jisung thinks for a little, before nodding. "that should work" both the boys continued walking, right up to the front door.

minho takes a deep breath and clears his throat nervously. he takes one glance at jisung, who gives him a firm nod, before pressing on the doorbell.

the bell rings once and it doesn't take long for a friendly looking woman to open the door. jisung feels his breath hitch the moment he sees his mum. "mum" he whispers.

she shoots minho a small smile, "who are you?" minho bows a little before introducing himself.

"ah, hello. i'm lee minho. i was friends with your son, han jisung. before he passed away, i left something with him but i never really had the chance to get it back. i was just wondering whether i could just head up to his room to grab it? it'll be real quick"

jisung's mum smiles warmly, opening the door a little wider, allowing minho to enter the house. jisung continues standing at the doorstep, still staring at his mother.

he longed to hug her and tell her how much he missed her. but he couldn't. no matter how hard he tried, she would never realise he was right in front of her.

he walks pass her sadly, wishing that she could somehow see him. she doesn't, as usual. she closes the front door and leads minho up the stairs, where jisung's room was.

minho glances over at jisung in concern, who now had tears in his eyes. minho couldn't empathise with jisung, but it hurt him to see jisung sad.

they reach jisung's room. the door was wide open, jisung notices that everything was still kept the same way. from the day he died, his family had never shifted anything in his room. which he was thankful for.

"take your time, i'm sure you miss him a lot as well" jisung's mum says softly, her voice sweet like honey. minho smiles in return as he looks around the room.

the room wasn't dusty at all, which meant that jisung's family regularly cleaned the room.

"nice room" minho says softly, not wanting to let his mum hear him. jisung laughs as he walks over to his study table, glancing at the books on it.

"it's crazy, my high school textbooks are still here. exactly where i left them" jisung says as he picks up the textbooks.

minho tilts his head in confusion, "is this your first time entering your room since you died?"

jisung nods, "whenever i visited, i spent the time in the living room, where most of my family members gathered. i never saw a point in going up to my bedroom."

minho claps his hand together, putting on a determined look. "okay, let's go get what we were here for. did you own a diary or anything where you wrote your feelings down?"

jisung shakes his head, "never. didn't like writing things down. but i vividly remember having a small wish list of some sort. like a bucket list? it has to be around here somewhere"

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