epilogue pt 2

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minho closes the notebook, letting out a soft sigh as he leaned back against his seat.

he had spent the past hour reading the notebook, which had become a weekly routine for minho.

the notebook with 'han jisung' scribbled over the front page of it.

the notebook that contained every detail minho had remembered about jisung. every feature, every habit of his, jotted down into a single notebook.

on the night jisung left, minho promised himself to never forget jisung. he rushed back home, grabbed an empty notebook and spent the entire night writing down everything he could remember about jisung.

from the first day they met, to the last. down to the smallest detail of jisung's face, the little quirks he had that made minho love him even more, the impressions of doraemon.

every thing minho had remembered about the boy was written down onto that notebook.

minho kept it hidden in a locked drawer, ensuring that he was the only one who could read it. he made it a routine to read it every week, just so that he would remember every part of jisung.

he didn't care about the fact that jisung would never return again. minho knew that his heart would always have a space just for jisung, no one else could occupy that space in his heart.

he stretched his hands, yawning a little as he looked out the window.

for some reason, he gets the urge to walk out of his room, onto the balcony. he looks up into the sky, gazing at the stars that lit up the night sky, instantly recalling the last night he spent with jisung.

"one day, when i go to the afterworld, i'll be the biggest and brightest star up there. just look up and you'll know its me"

jisung's voice echo in his head as he recalls those words. he looks up at the sky, trying to find the brightest star out there.

he instantly spots it, the star that stood out among the others. it was big and was much brighter than the others.

minho had no way of telling whether jisung had really become a star, but looking at the star managed to calm minho down and he finally lets out a smile.

as if the star was telling him, "it's okay, i'm right here"

minho quickly runs back in, flipping the notebook to the very last page, scribbling down at the very bottom of the page.

'whenever you miss him, look up at the night sky and he'll be the brightest star you see'

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