•|| Chapter 1 ||•

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You couldn't help but yelp when Tendou threw you up in the air, even if you were brave you were still a child. " Tendou-san! " Goshiki yelled in a panic as you were falling to the ground, making Tendou lose focus on you and turn to Goshiki.

Thankfully, before you fell, you felt strong arms hold you close, you open your eyes and see Ushijima, staring at Tendou who wailed and apologized to you. " I'M SO SORRY, FORGIVE MEEE!! " He pleaded as you tried to suppress a giggle.

You pat his head and smiled, nodding as Ushijima puts you down. " Whew, I thought I was gonna die. " Tendou mumbled, wiping nonexistent sweat off his forehead as the other members of the team circled around you.

" Are you okay? " Goshiki asked, kneeling down to face you as you nodded. " What's your name, chibi-chan? " Semi asked, folding his arms as you open your mouth to talk.

" ___. " You plainly mumbled, loud enough for them to hear.

" That's an adorable name! " Tendou chirped, clasping his hands together. You smiled at him and focus your attention to Ushijima, you didn't know his name yet but he saved you from falling so you at least had to thank him.

You looked up and stared at Ushijima who had his eyes elsewhere and didn't notice you staring until Reon pointed it out, nudging Ushijima with his elbow. " I think she wants something from you. "

Once you had Ushijima's attention you had to find out a way to ask his name. You only knew a few words, being a child and all. " Na... " You mutter trying to speak clearly. " Me... " You stare at him, hoping he understood but he replied back with a blank expression.

" What about you, ___? " Shirabu asked, becoming a little curious on what you wanted to say. " Na...me..." You repeat again as he gives you confused look. " I think she wants to know our names! " Tendou chirps in.

Your eyes glisten at what Tendou said as you pointed at him and nodded. " I guess she does. " Yamagata mumbles as you point at a certain male who hasn't talked much. " Kawanishi Taichi. " Kawanishi stated as you give him a smile, which he thought was adorable but didn't bother to react.

You then pointed to the one who saved your life, " Ushijima Wakatoshi. " Ushijima bluntly stated, averting his eyes elsewhere and waiting for this introduction to end. Next up was a copperhead that you thought looked very cool. " The name's Shirabu Kenjiro. " He smiled every so slightly, seeing the admiration in your eyes.

" Yamagata Hayato. "

" My name's Goshiki Tsutomu. "

" Ohira Reon, nice to meet you, ___. "

" Semi Eita. "

" And of course, the one and only, Tendou Satori!! " Tendou jumped around, making you giggle at his weirdness. Out of all of them, the one who caught your attention the most was Ushijima, only because he's kind of like your father, blunt, always busy, but still protects you from harm. Maybe you saw him as your second father.

While they were focused on Tendou, you sneaked away and headed down from the stage, a certain object catching your eye. " Ball... " You mutter, reaching for the ball that you accidentally kicked and was now rolling away from you.

You were determined to get that ball into your hands. Even if your tiny legs won't allow you.

" Need help? " You heard someone ask you from behind, making you turn to face them. It was Semi, you nodded as he easily grabbed the ball and handed it you. You thanked him by bowing and you stared at the ball in awe. Sure, half of your face couldn't be seen because of the ball's size but nonetheless you liked holding it.

Finally, the other players noticed you were gone from your spot and quickly looked around, seeing you playing with Semi made them sigh in relief, except for Ushijima who just sat on the bench and waited for the bus to arrive.

It honestly made some of the members curious as to why you were awake the same time that they had a meeting. It was early, too early for a child to be awake. Perhaps you also had a liking towards volleyball, seeing as you liked playing with the ball.

" Do you want to try tossing, ___? " Semi asked as Goshiki overhears, " You know she's a child right? She might hit her head trying that. " He whispers to Semi who seems to have a plan. " I could always catch it before it can fall down, also, she seems to want to try it. " He states as Goshiki looks at you, who had an excited glimmer in your eyes as you stared at Semi.

" Alright then, I'll trust you on keeping her distracted and we can switch when you're tired. " Goshiki smiles and pats your head, making you smile at the action.

" The first thing you should do is to add pressure to your fingers so that you can push the ball up more, got it? " He asked as you excitedly nod patting the ball and giving it to Semi who passed the ball to you not too strongly. You look up at the ball with your hands ready to toss it, with confidence you toss the ball up and towards Semi who had quite a surprised look on his face as he catches the ball.

" WHOA! I didn't know a 3 year old could do something like that! " Tendou shouted in disbelief as the other players stared at you in surprise as well. " Good job, chibi-chan. " Semi praised you for doing a set, giving you a pat on the head as well as Tendou pinches your cheeks gently, " That was awesome, ___! " He laughed loudly, dancing around you.

Yamagata picked you up and ruffled your hair gently, since everyone was praising you, he thought he should do it too. " Maybe you could even receive in the future. " He stated as you nodded, a wide smile placed on your lips, even Ushijima gave you a thumbs up.

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