•|| Chapter 23 ||•

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" Is it really safe to let those idiots go? " Tsukishima adjusted his glasses, eyes following the 3 slowly leaving their sight with ___ riding on Lev's shoulders.

" Honestly, it's dangerous. " Akaashi sighed.

" No doubt they'll do something stupid. " Kenma agreed.

" Tsukishima, could you follow them? " Yaku asks.

" Will do. It's better than seeing ___ in trouble and accidentally getting hurt. " Tsukishima excused himself with a quick bow, muttering the last sentence to himself as he trails behind them.

" Park!! " You eagerly state, hugging Lev by his head. " Mhm, we'll be there in a second. " Kuroo answered, spinning the volleyball on his finger with his signature smirk set on his lips. " Oh!! There's no one in the playground, lucky!! " Bokuto ran excitedly, as you and Lev follow with Kuroo in background saying " Ah, youth. " even though he's still young, following the 3 of you with his gaze.

" Hey, chubs. Wanna play on the swing? I'll push you. " Kuroo looked up at you and suggested as you nod gleefully, you've never been on a swing as your father was usually busy, being the principal and all. " Lev, could you put her down? I can't jump, I'm too old. " Kuroo held his back and a faint crack was heard. " If you're too old then why do you suggest pushing a little girl on the swings if you're just going to tire yourself out. " Tsukishima appeared out of nowhere.

" Wha- " Before Kuroo could take his words back, Tsukishima cut him off by talking to you and leading you to the swings himself. " ___, since that guy's aged, you wouldn't want him to push you since he might break his back, right? " Tsukishima picked you up and pointed to Kuroo, having a smug look on his face as you nod in agreement to whatever he just said.

" After we play, do you wanna lead him back to his home? He's probably too long in the tooth to remember much, right? " He subconsciously added more insults which you agreed in because you didn't understand any of it and Tsukishima had a smile on his face so you assumed he was saying something nice.

" Tsukishima, you're gonna kill him. " Bokuto hugged Kuroo, who was on the ground and clutching his heart. " It's an expression!! " He tried to turn the tables but the damage has been done. While they were all conversing with each other, you noticed that Lev was nowhere to be found. " Levy? " You mutter as Tsukishima puts you down just to fold his arms.

Seeing someone tall from the bushes, you go towards them and call out for Lev.

" Wah!! It's just you, shorty. " Lev jumped when you were suddenly behind him as he sighed from relief. You tilted your head as he was in front of a...well, you didn't know what it was but it was circular and had a hole in the middle, something like a tunnel. " Ah, are you confused? The ball accidentally rolled in there and I'm trying to get it out. " He explained his situation as you nod, squatting beside the taller male. He kept on trying but the ball seemed to roll in even further.

That was until he had an idea.

" Shorty, you're small so you can fit in here right? Maybe you could get the ball. " He didn't even hesitate or think about what he had just proposed to a child, that usually doesn't understand things of what the older ones have said. Understanding only the last sentence, you nod as Lev thanks you, moving aside so you could get in easily.

" Ball... " You mutter as you crawl inside, once you did though, the other end was dark but it had a dim light so you could still see the ball. " ___, can you reach it? " Lev asked, although it made you surprised because his voice had an echo. You gulped as you wandered in deeper, it was weird because you felt like the ball was getting father the more you near it.

" Lev!! Where's ___?? "

" Oh, she's in here. "

" What!? "

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