•|| Chapter 9 ||•

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" Hey, chubs, wake up. " You felt someone poking your cheeks, you groan softly and turn around with your stomach flat on the floor. You open your eyes to meet with black ones, " Aren't you hungry? " Kuroo asked as you tilt your head in confusion, Kuroo couldn't help but snicker at you with your messy hair and your sleepy eyes struggling to stay open, you reminded him of himself during mornings.

Seeing as you were still tired, he made you sat up and gently shook you until you woke up. But it didn't work so he had another idea. He carried you like a baby and threw you up in the air.

Correction from Chapter 5, Kuroo isn't good with kids at all.

Your eyes opened instantly as you scream in surprise, which Kuroo only chuckled at. He didn't think you were actually scared since he assumed that 3-year olds weren't scared of high places. 3 pairs of footsteps were heard coming into the room as you fell into Kuroo's arms, feeling a little bit dizzy from the sudden playing.

" ___?? " Semi asked with a worried tone.

" I heard my child scream, is she okay?? " Sugawara asked with a panicked tone.

" KUROO I TOLD YOU NOT TO WAKE ___ ROUGHLY!! " Yaku yelled with an angered tone.

' Oh shit, the team moms- ' Kuroo thought as you lay in his arms, still feeling lightheaded. Semi and Sugawara took you from Kuroo while Yaku scolded him for making you scared. " You're Sugawara, right? " Semi asked as Sugawara nods, " And you're Semi, correct? " Sugawara returned the answer and Semi nods both of them having a smile on their lips. The two started conversing as you lay on Semi's arms, the dizziness fading away.

" I've already scolded him, sorry about that, Semi. " Yaku apologized on behalf of Kuroo. Semi shook his head, " It's okay, things happen, plus I think ___ wouldn't want you two to fight. " Semi added as Yaku and Kuroo looked at you then seeing you reaching out to them with your tiny hands. " She's such a forgiving child. " Yaku cried, holding you in his arms as the other moms chuckle in agreement.

Before you could say something, your stomach grumbled and your guardians laughed and took you to the others. Once the 5 of you arrived, you were greeted with many familiar faces and you greeted them back with a smile.

" Little ___~! "

" Chibi-chan. "

" Shorty! "

" ___! "

" Chubs."

" Who's that? " Oikawa asked Iwaizumi who wasn't paying attention to him until he mentioned you. " Oh, she's the child of Shiratorizawa's principal. Coach said that the principal had to leave and ___ chose to stay with the volleyball team. " Iwaizumi stated as Oikawa looks at you from afar.

" She's ugly. " Oikawa said bluntly, a frown on his face as Iwaizumi smacks him from the back of his head. " Oi! Don't insult an innocent child! " Iwaizumi growled, a tick mark on his forehead as Oikawa whines holding the back of his head, " Iwa-chan, you're so mean!! " He pouted, folding his arms and glaring at you.

Semi sensed a menacing aura behind him and glared directly at Oikawa which he caught glaring at you. Oikawa flinched and hid behind Iwaizumi, who smacked him from being so rude and clingy. " Angry..? " You asked as Semi turned back to you, his expression softening at the sight of you. " No, he's just jealous because I have you in my arms. " He booped your nose, making you giggle.

" Oh, little ___~! Guess what we're eating? " Tendou asked, taking you from Semi and twirling you around. You giggle and shrug at the question, " We're going to eat ramen, aren't you excited? " He asked, pulling you closer and hugging you gently. " Yesh! " You answer and laughed even more, Tendou kept giving you affection and you loved it.

Although some people were getting quite jealous.

By some I mean the everyone who met you and was captivated by your personality. Heck, even Tsukishima wanted to give you a little affection too.

" Well, let's head into the bus! " Tendou stated as you suddenly remember BunBuns. You panicked a little and looked around, only to see Kawanishi holding BunBuns, you reach out to him and he noticed, smiling slightly and giving you your stuffie.

Tendou placed you on the ground before setting foot into the bus so you could choose who you wanted to sit next to. You follow Reon to his seat, wanting to know more about him. You sure were a friendly little girl to want to get to know everyone. " You wanna sit next to me? " He asked, a bit surprised as you nod and try to climb the seat but failed as Reon chuckled then helped you up.

You thanked him by hugging his arm, which he thought was adorable. " Reon? " You call out to him, " Hm? Do you need something? " He turned his attention to you as you climb onto his lap, snuggling on his chest. He was a little surprised at first, since he thought you were only close to the m̶a̶j̶o̶r̶ c̶h̶a̶r̶a̶c̶t̶e̶r̶s̶ popular guys like Tendou and Ushijima.

Reon supported your figure with one hand around your back. You held his hand, or rather his fingers since your hand was too small too hold his. " Warm... " You mutter, Reon couldn't resist smiling at you, you really were a very sweet child. He noticed you getting sleepy again so he gently ruffled your hair, you looked at him with a bit of drowsiness in your eyes.

" Weren't you hungry earlier? You shouldn't skip dinner by sleeping, ___. " He informed you as you rub your eyes with one hand since the other was holding BunBuns. You shook your head at his question and tried to resist a yawn, which you failed to do so. " Do you wanna see some pictures? " He asked, thinking of a way to help you stay awake.

You nod and he takes out his phone, the light of the screen making you hiss slightly. " I secretly took this picture, don't tell them, okay? " He stated as you nod and smile at the picture. It was Tendou randomly tying their jersey jacket around Ushijima with Semi chuckling at Ushijima's confused state.

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