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(A/N: please VOTE and COMMENT!!)


"Flight 246 to Dublin will be departing in fifteen minutes," the airport announces as myself, Paul, and the boys walk through the airport. The boys are playing a show in Dublin this week and then we will all stay in Ireland until the wedding next week with our teams flying out after us.

"Are you all good Lil, you've been really quiet?" Niall asks concerned as we begin to walk towards the gate.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a bit nervous. I haven't been back home for a long time," I reply quietly, forcing a smile as I look up at Niall.
It seems to convince him.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to see everyone, all my family and friends! You'll get to meet them all which will be nice," Niall rambles excitedly and I can truly see how much he loves his family.

"Hopefully I'll get to meet yours," he says with a smile and before I can reply Paul shouts at us to hurry up as we are lagging behind the others.

"This is crazy," I mumble as we look out of the plane window and see hundreds of people waving at us through the airport windows.

"Right guys remember to stay close. You have time to sign a few autographs and then we will take you to the back entrance to the van," Paul explains as we prepare to leave the plane.

"Oh and before I forget, Lilli here is the engagement ring Vivian picked out," Paul says softly as he takes a ring out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"It's lovely," I say quietly as I stare at the glistening engagement ring that represents handcuffs more than a pretty piece of jewellery.

As I am about to put the ring on my finger, Niall stops me, takes the ring from my hand and places it on my finger for me.

I can feel a lump in the back of my throat but I gently cough to push back the tears and through this silence Niall and I are communicating through our eyes.

"Thank you," I mumble gently and he nods in response with a smile.
I can tell he is just as nervous as I am as this is our first public appearance together as an engaged couple. Or so the public think.

As the plane door opens we can already hear the screaming and although I have my own fanbase and am somewhat used to fame this is an insane experience.

"Liam!! Louis! Over here boys!"
"Zayn! Zayn please sign this, please!"
"Lillianna look this way!"
Niall grabs my hand, leading me through the crowd as he smiles and waves at the fans and I plaster a large smile on my face even though I am terrified.

We stop and take a few pictures with fans and as I watch Niall laugh and talk with his fans I can't help but smile for real.

"He's good with them isn't he?" Harry asks as he suddenly appears by my side.
"Yeah he's great," I say as I don't take my eyes off of him.

"Lillianna! How do you feel to be back home after 2 years of being away?" A reporter asks, shoving a microphone in my face.
I can feel Niall looking over at me, obviously hearing the reporter but I continue to smile and reply," I'm so excited and happy to be home! Nowhere in the world can beat Ireland! I'm just looking forward to being able to relax and have a little break."

The reporter thanks me and the boys and I are whisked away from the fans to the back entrance where a van is waiting to bring us to Niall's family home. Niall and I will be staying there and the boys will be staying in a hotel 5 minutes away.

"Are you excited Nialler?" Louis asks slapping Niall playfully on the back as we drive towards Moira's house.

He is grinning from ear to ear and I can tell he just can't wait to get home.
"I can't wait! I'm so excited," he replies as he looks out of the window.

"I'm excited for your mum's cooking, do you think she will make those sausage rolls again Niall?" Harry asks seriously but he just makes us all laugh, especially Niall.

"How are you feeling?" Niall asks me as we begin to pull into Niall's street.
"I'm nervous but excited to meet everyone. I'm sorry it had to be this way Niall," I say softly, taking his hand.

"Me too Lil," he replies with a sad smile.
Niall and I aren't allowed to tell our families that the marriage is arranged and I can tell this breaks Niall's heart. Luckily he phoned his mother 3 nights ago and told her we were engaged before she found out by reading the paper.

"She's so excited to meet you Lil," Niall says looking at me and before I can reply Zayn yells," We are here Nialler!"

In a flash Niall jumps out of the van and runs towards the front door where he is greeted by his family who are all cheering and hugging him excitedly.

"How long has it been since he last saw them?" I ask Louis as we all climb out of the van.
"Probably about a year. He's missed them a lot," Louis replies as we walk towards the front door.

"Don't be nervous love, they are lovely people," Louis states as he hugs my shoulders.

Niall is being hugged by everyone and I can already hear a fiddle being played. It's good to be home.

Maura and Bobby are standing on the front steps hugging and greeting all of the boys as I stand back and let them.
"Harry my love, handsome as ever! There are sausage rolls in the kitchen for you," I hear Maura say as she hugs Harry and I can't help but laugh.

"Zayn, how is your mother? Tell her I say thank you for that casserole recipe it was lovely, wasn't it Bobby?"

"Lou, I got you that beer you like son, it's in the fridge," Bobby says as he pulls Louis in for a hug.

Niall comes running back out the door and looks me in the eye with a wide grin and I can tell he is slightly overcome with emotion from being home.

"Don't be nervous, we are in this together remember?" He says playfully as he takes my hand and pulls me towards his parents.

I lock eyes with Maura and I can sense she is about to cry. I smile widely as Niall says," Mum, Dad, this is Lillianna,my fiancé."

Maura pulls me in for a hug and kisses my cheek lovingly and I could honestly break down crying for how motherly she is being.

"It's so lovely to meet you, thank you for having me," I whisper in her ear as she continues to hug me tight.

"Hello love, we are so pleased to meet you," Bobby says as he too pulls me in for a hug.

"We have so much to talk about! Come on in out of the cold," Maura chirps as she places an arm around Niall and the other around me and guides me into the house.

Before I know it Bobby hands me a drink and says,"You deserve it for putting up with Niall," resulting in Niall and myself laughing loudly.

"To Lillianna and Niall," Maura says raising her glass to us and I feel Niall gently squeeze my hand as we hear the echoes of her words fill the room.

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