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Chan's P.O.V

I rub my eyes as I sit up, trying to adjust to the bright light that is now shining in my face. Looking over my shoulder, I notice Jeongin is still asleep. He looks so peaceful, so beautiful, when he's asleep. I lay back down, facing him, as I admire his features. He really is beautiful. His eyes fluttered open, slowly moving upward so that our eyes lock. Jeongin smiled softly, closing his eyes once again. "Morning, Daddy." My heart fluttered at the name. "Morning, Baby boy."
Jeongin stretched out, letting out a little mewl in the process which was so freaking cute. Jeongin scooted closer to me, laying his head against my chest. "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby boy?" I began to play with his soft hair, which seemed to sooth the younger as he let out a content sigh before continuing. "When I spend nights with Felix, can I sleep in here with you?" "Of course you can, Baby Boy." He snuggled closer into my chest and it wasn't long before I heard his soft snores once again. 


"Hey guys." I walked up to Jisung and Minho who were sitting at one of the tables in the food court of the mall. "Hey, Hyung." Jisung smiled at me as I sat down across from them. "So, what's been happening in the life of Chan? It's been a while." I smiled softly, thinking about Jeongin. "I'm in a relationship now. And," I looked down at my hands, feeling a soft blush creep onto my cheeks. "I really like him." "Ooh, who is it? Is it somebody we know?" "Kind of. Jeongin." Jisung thought for a second and then gasped.

"Yang Jeongin? Small precious Jeongin? Felix's best friend Jeongin?" I nodded, confused as to why he seemed so shocked. "Hyung! He's like, four years younger than you!" "Uh, yeah?" "Babe, I'm older than you." Minho pointed out, also seeming to be confused. "By two years...My point is, our Chan is dating the most smol, most precious, boy." "I feel like I should be offended? Am I not good enough for him?" Jisung puffed out his cheeks, "I'm not saying that. I'm just...Are we sure that you're not gonna corrupt him?"

Minho burst out laughing, almost falling out of his chair. "Chan? Corrupting Jeongin? Please." We both looked at Minho with questioning looks. What does he mean by that? Does he know something that I don't know? Minho looked between the both of us, rolling his eyes. "Jeongin dated, gosh, what's his name?" I tensed up at the topic. "Raein, that's his name. And that guy was far from pure. He was into all kinds of fucked up shit. So if anything, Jeongin is gonna corrupt Chan."

Jisung looked between Minho and I, confusion written on his face, while I was still frozen. "How...How did you know about that?" I mumbled. A look of confusion but also panic was painted onto his face as he shrugged softly, "I knew a lot of the gossip around school." "What all do you know." I demanded, my blood beginning to boil. Did Jeongin have a bad name put on him because of this guy? "They dated for almost two years, everything seemed fine, and then one day they broke up and Raein disappeared. I know that Raein was into being a Dom and into some risky kinks, but Jeongin always seemed like the innocent type. I never really understood why they were together, because they seemed like polar opposites, but they seemed to have the perfect relationship."

"Hyung, are you okay?" I turned towards Jisung who looked concerned. I sighed, nodding. "I'm gonna head home, I'll talk to you guys later, yeah?" They both just nodded before I got up and began to head home. I need to talk to Felix, I need to know if this bastard did more than Jeongin is telling me. I don't want to push his boundaries or make him feel uncomfortable in any way, especially if there's a dark reason behind it.


"Felix." "Mm." "I have a question. And you have to be honest with me." He turned off his phone and faced me, confusion written on his face. "What is it, Hyung?" "What all did Raein do to Jeongin." Felix's eyes darkened, just like before. "Who told you his name?" "Minho. Now tell me." Felix sighed, running his hand over his face. He really doesn't like this topic.

"Raein was a piece of shit who took of advantage of Jeongin's innocence. He started off as a really good boyfriend, a really good caregiver. And then one day, it was like a switch flipped and his dark side came out. Raein was into all kinds of things, most of them sadistic in one way or another." My heart raced as I thought about what he could possibly have done to my Baby Boy. "He never had sex with Jeongin, which I'm thankful for, but he did just about anything else possible. I don't know all of the details or honestly everything that he did because it is a very difficult topic for Jeongin. When they would be alone, Raein would push Jeongin around, he would hit him. Jeongin was his slave, he made him do everything. There was no such thing as 'no' in Raein's eyes. He would force Jeongin to wear a collar and a leash so that he could pull him around everywhere. He would do anything he could to Jeongin without having sex. He'd tie him up and do things to him that Jeongin still refuses to speak of. And I don't want him to. Raein was a horrible monster."

I was at a loss for words. Jeongin really has been put through the ringer. "Felix?" "Yes, Hyung?" "Jeongin and I are dating." Felix gasped, covering his mouth with his hands. "And I'm gonna be his caregiver." Another gasp, more dramatic than serious. "And I..." I looked down, almost feeling horrible that I gave the poor kid rules. "I implemented rules." I looked up at him before quickly saying, "Do not gasp again or I will push you off this bed."

He just chuckled, finally pulling his hands away from his mouth. "What kind of rules? Are they bad?" "No. Just rules like he has to eat, he has to use his words, always wear pants or shorts-" "Why is that a rule?" I looked at him and he slowly nodded. "Got it. Go on." I sighed. "I'm his caregiver, his boyfriend, his...his...Daddy...." Felix smiled widely, "Cute. Why do you feel bad for those? They don't seem like bad rules. It's not like you implemented strict rules that would make him miserable." I shrugged, looking down at my lap. "Now knowing this, I just feel horrible."

Before Felix could respond, we heard the front door open, followed by Jeongin shouting, "Hyung!" Felix and I both walked out of his bedroom, meeting an adorable looking Jeongin in the living room. "Daddy!" He ran up to me, jumping into my arms as he wrapped around me, snuggling his face into my neck. "Wow, am I chopped liver now?" Felix pouted, crossing his arms, causing Jeongin to giggle, "Hi, Hyung." "What did you need, Jeongin?" "I just wanted to know if you wanted to see if Seungmin was available to go to lunch."

I looked over Jeongin's features as Felix and him spoke, the way his eyes lit up and his smile widened whenever he would talk about Seungmin and Felix. How could somebody hurt such a precious soul? And how did Jeongin survive? "Hyung?" "Mm?" I looked over at Felix who just smiled at me. "Do you want to go with us?" "Oh, uh, no, I'm fine. I wouldn't want to interrupt your guys' friend time and plus, uh..." I tried to think of something to do so that I could not smother Jeongin.

But to no avail, because before I could think of anything, Jeongin perked up, "Can't you come, Daddy? I want Seungmin to meet you." I blushed softly, smiling down at Jeongin as he hopped down. "Please?" "Anything for you, Baby boy."

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