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Hyunjin is going to be released from the hospital today. The doctor is putting him on bed rest for the next few days, so he won't be able to do much, but at least he'll be home. "God, I'm so excited to sleep in my own bed again." Hyunjin spoke as Seungmin walked him out in one of the wheel chairs. "We're just glad that you're okay, man." Minho spoke, his arm wrapped around Jisung's waist as they walked beside Hyunjin. Chan and I were on the opposite side, hand in hand.

As we reached the entrance, Hyunjin got up and out of the wheel chair, with a little help from Jisung. Seungmin helped him walk to the car, the rest of us following closely behind. Felix was currently waiting in the car as he wanted to be on the phone with Changbin, who had just arrived home. "I gotta go, babe. Okay. I love you, too." Felix sat his phone down and I couldn't help but smile. "Awe, you guys say 'I love you' now. That's so cute!" His cheeks blushed pink as he looked down, clearly embarrassed. "Yeah, yeah," Hyunjin began as he got into the backseat. "We all say we love one another, let's get over it and go home. My bed is waiting for me."


"Okay, you're gonna have to stay in your bed, so if you need anything and one of us isn't in the room, just call us, okay?" Jisung spoke softly as he tucked Hyunjin into bed. The other nodded, sighing in content as he laid back into his many pillows.

Seungmin walked into the room, a tray of soup and coffee in his hands. "The doctor said you can have one cup of coffee max a day but the rest has to be water. So, here is your allotted cup of coffee and some soup." "Ooh, what kind of soup?" "Beef seaweed soup. It should be light enough on your stomach but filling." Hyunjin sat up in bed before Seungmin sat the tray on his lap. "Thank you, Seungmin."

The latter hummed in response before taking a seat at the end of the bed, smiling warmly as he watched Hyunjin eat his soup. He has a lot of recovering to do. I still feel so horrible for what he's gone through...Chan says it's not my fault and that I can't blame myself, but I can. I feel like it is my fault. This would have never happened to Hyunjin if he hadn't befriended me. I should have stayed away...I'm not meant to be close to others...

"Jeongin?" Jisung was snapping his fingers in front of my face, a concerned look on his. "Are you okay?" I glanced around the room, noticing how everyone had the same concerned look on their faces. "I...I'm fine." Scratching the back of my neck, I began to back up, trying to leave the room. "I'm just gonna...go to the...bathroom...so I'll...yeah.."

Walking down the hallway, I quickly flew down the stairs and ran out the back door. I let go of a breath that I didn't even know I was holding as I collapsed onto one of the poolside chairs. I should just leave...maybe run away from everyone. Leave this town. Maybe even this country. I could use my college money to fly somewhere and begin a new life. I- "Baby Boy..." Jolting up, I looked up to see Chan looking down at me, a concerned look on his face. "Baby, tell me what's wrong." He sat down beside me, pulling me into his embrace. Sighing softly, I rested my head against his chest. "I just still feel so bad about what Hyunjin's gone through."

It was Chan's turn to sigh this time before he spoke softly, "Baby, you know that none of this is your fault. There is no way that you could have predicted any of this happening." "I know," I started, sitting up and facing Chan. "But I could have prevented it." His brow raised as his hands found mine. "And how is that? Do you think that if you would have ran away from us all and just not befriended us that none of this would have happened?"

Lowering my head, I nodded softly in defeat. It sounds silly now that he says it out loud. "Baby Boy, if you would have avoided me, avoided becoming friends with my friends, your only friend would have been Felix. He would have been the one hurt in the process." I didn't think of it like that..."And as much as I love Felix, he would not have been strong enough to handle being shot." I giggled, knowing that he's right.

"Daddy?" "Yes, Baby Boy?" Looking up into his eyes, I smiled softly, "Thank you for accepting me into your life." Chan returned my smile, his eyes softening in the process. "I would do it over and over again, Baby."


We were all laying around Hyunjin's room, chilling, when everybody's phones started to buzz. As I picked up my phone, I realised it was a group text from Woojin to all of us.

woojinnie-hyung: hey guys

woojinnie-hyung: i had to fly out to see my mother, she's in critical condition

woojinnie-hyung: i'm not sure when i'll be coming home, and i'm very sorry for the last minute notice, but i couldn't leave her alone

"Hyung's mom is hurt? I didn't know..." Felix mumbled, sounding very hurt and upset that he didn't know. "I hope she's alright. Maybe we should wait a few days and call? Make sure everyone is alright?" Chan spoke softly, concern evident in his voice.

Even though Woojin was kind of like the mom of the group, Chan is almost like the father. He gets worried about the guys and he feels the need to protect all of us. Especially Felix and I.
"Well, at least he let us know where he is because he knows we would have began to worry about him." I nodded, kind of sad that Woojin was gone for a while. He's always so bright and happy. But it's nice that he's taking care of his mom. I would do anything for my mom, same for my dad too. Family is everything. We choose our family, and it's important to protect and care for those we let into that family. Looking around the room, I smiled softly to myself at the family I have chosen. I couldn't have picked a better one.

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