•~Part 1~•

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Mason "Dipper" Pines would normally be caught wandering around in the woods that lay just outside of a place his Grunkle Stan owned called the Mystery Shack. Today however, Dipper wasn't wandering. He was looking for something. Dipper walked into a small open clearing in the heart of the deep woods of Gravity Falls and found what he was looking for. Dipper let out a long sigh.

"Long time, no see. Right Bill..?"

It had been ten long years sense Bill Cipher's destruction on the town small secret town called Gravity Falls. Even though so much time has passed Dipper felt like he was twelve again just by staring at the now statue like figure that once been a powerful dream demon named Bill Cipher. The only difference now is, unlike when Dipper was twelve he was no longer afraid of the demon like figure. Dipper chuckled softly.

" I guess they really did find you," he said while walking closer to Bill.

"They probably shook your hand, took pictures, over your dead body..." Dipper said with a hint of sorrow.

As he talked to the statue figure, memories from his childhood with Bill that Dipper tried so hard to block out kept playing on repeat. Dipper cracked a smile at the memories of the dream demons voice. Dipper once used to hate the sound of Bill's voice but now he longed to hear it again in person. Dipper stayed and talked to the statue until he noticed the sun had started to fall into the horizon and the sky had turned into a orange-yellow color.

"Sorry Bill, time for me to go back to the Mystery Shack before Mabel, Grunkle Stan, and Grunkle Ford wonder where I am." Dipper said.

Dipper stood up from the tree trunk he had sat down on earlier and looked up at Bill. He walked closer to the statue and stopped just an arms length away from the outstretched hand of the former demon. Memories flashed in Dipper's mind of Bill trying to make deals with the stubborn twelve year old boy Dipper had once been. Dipper thought in consideration while looking down at the statues hand. His hand guided itself into Bill's now stone palm.

" Let's make a deal Pine tree." Bill's voice rang in his mind.

Dipper sighed.

" Let's make a deal Bill...," Dipper mumbled under his breath, " If you come back...alive and not wreak havoc on Gravity Falls or anywhere......I'll stand by you for as long as I live..deal?"

Dipper knew there wasn't going to be a reply, but in the back of his mind he could hear Bill..

" It's a deal Pine tree."


Hope you guys enjoyed the first part!
456 words

A Deal Made From Stone. {BillDip} •COMPLETED•Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя