Chapter 8 - A Bonding Ceremony Gown

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Fort Squall

Tamara yelped as the prick of a pin stabbed her shoulder. For the third time....

"Begging your pardon, Lady Tamara," Mistress Anna removed the pins from her mouth so that she could speak. Her face had turned an embarrassed shade of red.

Tamara glanced down, affording a small smile. "It's fine, Anna. Please continue."

Anna nodded, returning to the task at hand. Her fingers were deft, but not as deft as Master Phillip's. She missed her old dressmaker in Redport—missed his flair.

Anna began humming as she worked. She really was a sight to see—pins sticking from between her pursed lips, several at a time, as she folded and tucked, folded and tucked, grabbing only as needed. When she ran out, she returned to her pin cushion to refill, keeping her lips tight, holding the pins in place. Anna was perhaps ten years older, with dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a dimpled smile. She was easy to be around, absolutely likable.

There was a week to go before Tamara's bonding ceremony and nearly all the necessary arrangements had been made, except for the finishing touches on her gown. She'd already acquired the pommel stone for Byron's Sverak, with the help of Lady Emmy. Everything was in order with the cooks, already planning the feast that would follow. Even Tamara's parents had agreed to attend at Lord Davi's invitation. Her father probably wasn't happy about that, but Lord Redwynn was not fool enough to refuse. Bonding ceremonies were cause for celebration. Given Byron's parents and popularity, this was sure to be a long-remembered party.

The click of a latch pulled her gaze from the mirror. Lady Emmy swept into the room, coming to stand beside her. "Oh my!" Her face glowed with satisfaction. "That color! With those eyes! Gods, it's perfect."

"The gown is nearly finished, my lady." Mistress Anna removed the pins from her mouth to speak. "Just a few more tucks here and there, a few more embellishments, and we should be ready for our final fitting."

"You have done splendidly, Anna. Thank you." Emmy took Anna's cheeks in both hands and planted a kiss right on her nose. "In such a gown, Tamara will shine like the stars." Lady Emmy caught her eye in the mirror and they both smiled.

The color of the gown—the same color as Byron's scales—was a direct match to her eyes. Truly impressive. Like all bonding ceremony gowns, its extravagance was obvious. Few expenses had been spared.

The bodice was rigid and laced up the back. The front showed off a conservative square neckline. A blessing. For at fifteen, her breasts had not quite developed into the womanly curves she wished them to be. Across the bodice, crystalline beads were sewn onto the fabric, swirling in a snowstorm of patterns. The bottom of the bodice came to a sharp point just below her waist. From there, cascades of satin and lace flowed out like a frozen waterfall, making up the voluminous skirt.

"A gown fit for an ice queen," she found herself murmuring. Byron wouldn't be able to take his eyes from her. The selfish thought left her heart pounding.

"You know," Lady Emmy said, taking Tamara's shoulders, "despite Queen Isabella's price, I selfishly longed for a daughter. I love Byron as I would have loved a daughter. I merely thank the gods he found you." In Emmy's face, she found love equal to any mother's.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Now, hopefully we are nearly done?" Lady Emmy turned to Anna. "Tamara is to meet Byron for lunch. Lord Reyr has requested their company."

"Lord...Lord Reyr?" Tamara's stomach dropped. Lord Reyr the Gold had arrived at the fort a week prior. He'd been so tied up with duties that Tamara had scarcely spoken a few words to him. Like the other kingdom Shields, Reyr was something of legend, especially since his family came from a long line of fort leaders.

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