Chapter 32 - Returning Home

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Kastali Dun

Claire placed her ungloved hand against Talon's scales as Kastali Dun materialized on the horizon. It was early morning still. The sun was just falling over the land, bathing the still distant city in gold. Waves of relief and recognition seeped through her. Talon's love of his city overwhelmed her senses. A smile stretched across her face—his relief was her relief.

"Welcome home," she whispered. It was the only home he'd ever known, filled with hundreds of years of memories. This city was his lifeblood.

"My coronation tied me to this city, making it a part of me," he said by way of explanation.

Something told her he would love it regardless. She could see plainly enough into his mind to know that.

"Yes, perhaps you are right."

She leaned forward, placing her forehead against his scales, grinning against him, grinning at the connection they shared. When their minds merged, most explanations didn't require an answer. Thoughts were simply unspoken but understood.

The ocean glittered at the horizon's edge, wrapping around the peninsula from the Bay of Bandu to the Dragonfire Sea. Beyond, she could squint and make out Irelia Island. "I'll take you there sometime," Talon said, sensing her longing. She would like that very much.

She briefly removed her hand from his scales as she looked ahead. Kastali Dun. It felt like home for her, too. As much as home could feel like in a foreign world. The tall spires of the Great Keep rose above it like pinpricks against the landscape. The city was still a hazy smudge, but it would grow quickly as they approached. All too soon they would be landing and their journey would be at an end.

The past few days had flown by in a blur, quite literally. Very little time was spent on the ground. Scattered walks here and there. Brief spells of sleeping cuddled against Talon's body. Always away from camp, where others would not see them. Those affectionate moments meant everything to her. Even though they hadn't done more than cuddle, she felt fluttery every time she thought back on it.

Talon had a soft side to him, hidden beneath the chiseled stony face he showed to the world. Affectionate, even. Which was surprising, given that he had sworn off women for so long. Perhaps the mate bond made things natural for him.

She had been careful to keep her mind separated from his. The thought of telling him about her Promise weighed heavily on her conscience. She didn't like withholding information, especially now. She needed to tell him. But when? And how? And how would he react?

Now was not the time. She pushed the thought away. Buried it deep.

"I'm happy to be home," she admitted, replacing her hand against his scales. "Very happy." Her heart soared at the thought. Or was it his? "I'll be happy to have my bed back, and a proper bath. And sleep! Gods, I'll probably sleep for days and days." At this, a guttural chuckle rumbled beneath her. "I will miss this, though," she added. "Us...flying together in the sky."

"I'll miss it too. But..." There was hesitance. He wanted them to continue flying together. He wanted to show her what flying could truly be. He'd done nothing exciting—no swoops, dives, or rolls. Only tame formation flying. He would take her out when they could afford it, and show her why he loved his wings.

"Yes, I would like that. Very much." A thrill settled in the pit of her stomach.

At last, she removed her hand, mostly to think uninterrupted. Their return to Kastali Dun was going to change things. She liked the comfort of his company, flying with him, being around him. But he would go back to his kingly duties, and she would go back to her training.

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