Chapter 24 - The King's Impending Arrival

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Claire walked through the camp the next day, arm in arm with Tamara. Their night together, crying, falling asleep side by side, had become a bonding experience she never realized how much she needed. Especially at a time like this. Now it felt like they'd been friends for ages. An unexpected but welcome comfort. Nearly a week had passed without Desaree and Saffra.

Tamara had filled a hole that her closest friends created.

Their morning was a rushed one. A meager breakfast of potage and bacon, a few words in the tent with Jovari and Koldis, messengers coming and going at every moment. It didn't take long for Tamara to insist they get some fresh air. Talon's Shields were quick to agree, probably for a break from her dour mood.

Six guards trailed them, keeping a safe distance for privacy. The camp was large enough to house nearly three hundred people. In the daylight, the once-white tents now appeared browned with dirt. They made sharp points against Claire's line of sight. Each was perhaps big enough for two—ideal for mates.

Tamara took on the responsibility of ushering her about. It soon became clear that this was anything but a simple quest for fresh air. She was introduced to everyone they met. Person after person. Pair after pair. Soon she was all but groaning with protests.

"It is important they see your face," Tamara explained the moment she voiced a complaint. "Seeing you boosts their morale. Shows that they matter. That what they lost matters."

Put in those terms, it made absolute sense. Still, she frowned "Don't you think it's ironic?"

"How so?" Tamara asked, shielding her gaze from the crisp sunlight overhead.

"I'm an outsider. Why should I elicit anything more than fear and distrust from Dragonwall's people?"

"That may be, but you're the king's ward now. Moreover, you've become a topic of curiosity. Aside from the king, you're the next best thing. But I suppose he will be here soon enough."

Claire clenched her jaw tight. Thoughts of Talon's upcoming arrival made her stomach roll. Why couldn't he just get here already? Get it over with? Whatever it turned out to be. Scolding. Yelling, most likely. Anger. Another fight. His obvious disappointment that she'd broken her promise. She was disappointed with herself, so why wouldn't he be?

"Oh, here's Kivir and Amris. You should meet them too." Tamara took her arm, pulling her forward. Just like that, thoughts of Talon were forced from her mind. And so they continued like this as the morning disappeared.

Aside from turning her brain to mush with what felt like hundreds of introductions, something more came from their time together. Tamara's wealth of knowledge—especially about matters pertaining to Dragonwall's politics, forts, Drengr, and Riders—proved impressive. It was clear she would make an excellent ally and even a wise advisor during Claire's time in Brezen.

Their walk together stretched into the early afternoon. They circled the camp more times than she could count. She was certain she had met every single person there. Some even smiled and waved a second or third time around.

It was so much walking, her feet ached in her boots.

When she thought she might collapse, they crept away to an ancient oak tree on the outskirts of camp. Its trunk was massive, arms outstretched to offer shade and privacy. They sat against it. Tamara plucked a few leaves to keep her hands busy, twirling them around by the stems. The guards fanned out around them, taking up wide stances, hands resting on their weapons, where they looked out over the camp, keeping watch for potential threats.

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