Chapter 46 - Reyr's Return

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Kastali Dun

Claire had already searched Talon's tower, Reyr's chambers, the royal library, and the practice grounds, looking for Reyr. She traipsed about the keep, her own guards trailing behind her, no doubt annoyed. Talon's tower had been entirely empty, except for his servants. And Reyr's chambers had been recently disturbed, with evidence of his arrival. But Reyr himself was nowhere to be seen.

Her shoulders slumped in defeat.

He hadn't come to see her. He hadn't even told her he was back—a simple thought that took seconds. Even though he had no problem doing the same with Talon; she'd heard their short conversation upon his return. It was as if he didn't want to see her.

She was tempted to reach for him with her mind, but shook her head at the idea. He hadn't bothered to do the same, so why should she? No, she preferred to speak to him in person, preferably before everyone was gathered that evening.

A knot formed in her stomach. Was he still upset with her for not choosing him? The thought of him behaving coldly was frightening. Maybe he really didn't want to see her. She tutted, annoyed with herself. She shouldn't have gone searching for him.

She rounded the corner to the Hall of Kings and stopped so abruptly one of her guards walked right into her. A flash of golden hair caught her eye, disappearing into Talon's tower. "Apologies, my lady."

"It's fine, Connor," she said, hardly aware of her words. Her heart hammered against the walls of her chest. He was there—Reyr was there! She took a deep breath, lifting her skirts, and took off down the hall, swift steps carrying her right to Talon's tower door.

"Back again?" Aaron eyed her.

"Was that Reyr?" She gazed at the door as if she could see through it.

"Aye. What of it?"

Relief mixed with apprehension warmed her skin. "Let me pass. I need to speak with him."

They gazed at her a long moment before uncrossing spears and permitting her entry. She stepped through the doorway and paused in the entryway. The door clicked behind her.

Reyr stood in the main room near the fireplace. He was dressed in a fresh change of clothes, a forest green tunic and beige pants, with boots of brown leather that came halfway up his calf. The sight of him—after all this time—pulled the breath from her chest.

He whirled to face her. His eyes widened. "Claire?"

"Reyr!" It came out as a strangled gasp. She ran across the room and flung herself into his arms. He groaned under the impact, but wrapped his arms around her waist, supporting her against him. "You're back!" she whispered into his hair.

He chuckled and set her down, holding her at arm's length, inspecting her. She did the same, studying his appearance, looking for signs of harm. His face was the same as she remembered, only now it was etched with deep lines of grief. "Reyr, I'm so sorry," she whispered, throwing her arms around him again. "So, so sorry. For everything." Her voice cracked as she spoke.

"I know," he whispered. "I am too." A long silence followed, where they simply held each other. "It's good to see you, Claire" he said at last as he pulled away.

The sincerity of his words pierced her heart. A nervous laugh escaped her lips. "I've been looking for you for nearly an hour, you know. You didn't tell me you'd returned. Did you...did you not want to see me?"

He opened his mouth before frowning. "I did. I do. I just believed you wouldn't want—" He cleared his throat. "I thought you might still be upset with me for—"

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