Ch. Ten

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Swinging the door to her apartment open, Cassie was greeted by Raye's stern face, gazing right into her soul. She seemed annoyed and she already knew why. Craig had told her everything and as she stood there she still couldn't believe that Raye was helping him unknown to each of them.

"Raye, "

"Cassie," She greeted and from her tone of voice, she knew that the girl was pissed, so without so much as missing a cue, she allowed her to enter her home.
Neither of the two said anything after that but quietly made their way further in the apartment. Raye came upon Craig and the moment she saw him her anger crept out from beneath the carpet where she'd tucked it away.

"What the heck do you think you're doing Craig?" She asked immediately.

Cassie moved away from her to stand at a safe distance, in fear of the girl lashing out. Brie had mentioned a few times in the past that she had a temper so rare that the only other person she could've compared it too was their father. Although he was a calm man, he was deadly when pissed off and lucky for them it took a lot to piss him off. Right that instant she could only imagine how Raye could get.

"I knew if I had told you what I planned on doing you would've tried to stop me."

"Have you wondered why?" She frowned, the muscles in her jaw worked rapidly and again making Cassie nervous. "You're putting your sister in danger too by being here, don't you know that? You think these guys aren't watching but they are."

"Look, I'm sorry okay but I needed to tell somebody."

"This is not the way to do it. You could've let me bring Cassie to you."

"Yeah, when?"

"I don't know but- " she sighed, squeezing her eyes shut mentally counting to ten. "It doesn't matter because she already knows." Turning to Cassie, Raye watched her in silence and noted the fear— that's the first thing people tend to arm themselves with when they were in her presence and they had every reason to, she could be quite hot-headed at times.

"Did he tell you everything?"

"Yeah and I think that it's good you're helping him, but you should've said something to Brie and I."

"Right. Craig was the one who told me to keep it between us now he's turned around and broke his own words."

"It would've gotten out eventually. Like I said though, I trust Cassie enough for this to just be between the three of us now." Craig answered and Raye shot him an impassive glare. There was silence between the three individuals for a while. The air was riddled with awkward tension nipping at Cassie's mind far more.

"How serious is this?"

"Nothing my uncle and I can't handle. Craig's being taken care, he's safe." Answered Raye.

"When will it blow over, if it does?"

"I can't say for sure but I need to keep him safe which means he can't keep doing things like this. You can't just run off without saying something to us. Someone needs to be with you always, even if it has to be me. I promised I'd keep you safe and I want to keep that promise but I could only do that if you cooperate Craig."

"I know, "

"So what happens now?" Asked Cassie, her eyes wielding up with tears.
She could always work with the drug thing and Craig, but violence— murder and other dangerous acts she could never roll with. Hearing him say that he killed someone and was now probably being sought out by the man's people scared her. She could only imagine what knowing this would do to their parents and Brie.

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