Ch. Thirty- Seven

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"No, I'm telling you this is good, you guys finally talked," Brie says, focusing on the road but also very interested in a conversation with the girl that wore the neatly fixed box braids and her makeup impeccably done riding in the front seat. Her gaze kept flickering between her and trying not to kill them by focusing off of the road for too long. She promised Raye she'd get back in one piece and she had every intention of keeping that promise, but she was excited for her friends.

"But I'm still worried, what if she changes her mind or something?" Mia questions. Though the conversation with Ava seemed promising she had her doubts. She didn't feel like the one that actually won the girl. Ava only apologized and they laughed at a few silly things she said and that was about it. She didn't exactly know what would happen from this point onwards and it left her feeling anxious.

"She's not going to change her mind love," Trish answers, and Mia turns around in her seat, her brown eyes to equally brown eyes, crossing her fingers. "Vagina's crossed." She replied. All three women laughed, feeling the tensions from weeks ago lifting from their shoulders. It felt good, to be free from some of the weight that chained them to the waters of their minds like a ship anchored at sea. They'd all be able to move on now, especially Mia, Brie thoughts smiling to herself. It was good things were looking up for her friends. Trish and Christopher were fine and now Mia and Ava were on speaking terms again. And there was her family, they were safe and so was Raye.

While taking Mia home after Trish was dropped off, both the girl's parked outside of the apartment building, Mia gazing out into oblivion, nervously toying with her fingers.

"Spit it out, what's wrong?" Brie's dark brows were creased. Though they had an eventful day, something was still up with her friend and because of that, it affected her too. She wished she could take away whatever fear the girl felt but she couldn't do, she could only be comforting and understanding. Anything else Mia needed to work on it by herself, unfortunately.

"I'm a little worried but I can't seem to place what it is. I know that everything's going to be alright between Ava and I but I'm still getting this weird tingle in the back of my mind." Says Mia.

"Spidey senses?" The girl asked trying to cut the solemnity in the air between them just a little and it worked. Her friend chuckled, rolling her eyes just a little. "Yes, my Spidey senses. I'm just hoping today won't turn out to be a waste of time. I'm serious about pursuing her Brie and I hope she is too."

Brie placed a hand on her arm, squeezing gently with a warm smile. "It wasn't a waste of time. What you're feeling is normal hon, so don't question it too much. I have faith this will work out for you and you'll get your woman."
Mia blushes and it was a rare moment in time but Brie didn't bring it up. She then promises to be patient, giving Ava enough time to come around again.

"Great now that it's settled, get out. I need to head back to my woman before she upturns the entire country just to come find me here shit-talking with you." The girl jokes.

"I'll see you around."

"Yeah, really soon. We have a wedding to start planning in the coming weeks and we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

"As we should. Drive safe, bye hunny!" Mia tosses a kiss and so does Brie starting up the car pulling into the street. The last thought in her head lingers while she heads home. She was absolutely stoked, to marry the love of her life that is, not the planning of the actual wedding, that was a headache she wasn't sure she was capable of handling. Days and weeks of putting everything together weren't what she wanted but the final result was. She couldn't wait to be Mrs Mancini, she couldn't wait to say I do, she couldn't wait for the honeymoon and the moments alone with her love somewhere remote. Thoughts of such happiness made it seem like a fantasy she couldn't obtain but she knew better than to think like that.

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