Ch. Thirty-Six

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Lol, sorry I've been off the grid, I just woke up

A/nLol, sorry I've been off the grid, I just woke up

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Standing in his office was the six-foot-tall, older man with soft grey patches at either side of his temple, spotting his naturally wavy brunette hair. The longer Luca took him into regards, the more confused he became. When his son, Gabriele had told him Brie's father was there to see him he thought it was a joke or even a misunderstanding. But he quickly realized it wasn't now that the man was actually standing there.

Grey eyes fixated on his warm honeyed coloured pools left so many questions circulating in his head. Had something else happened to frighten the man? Had he and his entire family finally come to their senses and he was there to warn them to stay away from his daughter and the rest of his children?
Luca didn't really know. What he did know was that the older man was quite intimidating and he had to give it to him.
He'd seen Brian a few times in the past but they'd never had any sort of conversation except for two days ago when they were all present at the little get together for his niece. And even then, it wasn't anything intense.

"You seem....taken aback?" Brian states, finally moving further into the room. Going up to the small desk, he took a seat after pulling out the chair in front of it. It squeaked when he sat down on the padded surface.
Looking over to the other man, he could see tens of questions written within his eyes and on the surface of his naturally tanned skin.

Luca scratched his stubbles, taking a seat as well. "A visit quite as unexpected as this would shock even the devil himself," he answers.
Brian didn't laugh or indicate that he was in good spirits, instead he sat there and held the gaze of the younger man quite intensely.

"Could I get you anything to drink?" Luca asks when the silence and the awkwardness had crept underneath his flesh and was a little too polluting.

"I'm more of a cigar man," Brian states plainly. Luca couldn't say that he was shocked because he'd seen it all, but he was a little intrigued seeing it come from Brienna's father.

He'd pulled open a drawer beside him, reaching in and taking out a small box filled with Cuban cigars he'd obtained through an illegal shipment. Handing one over to his visitor, he surfaced his silver lighter from the pocket of his shirt and tossed it to the man. He watched carefully as the older fella lit the cigar, it's sweet nectar beginning to swirl around them both. When he was done, he watched as Brian tossed back the lighter.

"I'm sure you've heard what happened, with the message sent to my house?" Brian asks after taking a deep pull from the cigar. Smoke was flowing freely from both his nostrils and the soft crack between his lips, making him look like a dragon.

"I am and I'm absolutely sorry."

"No time for remorse. Do you think the men, the ones doing this are sorry?'

"No sir," Luca shook his head.

The entire time he is fiddling with the silver lighter. Twirling it diligently between his fingers. His rapt eyes staying fixed on the man's somewhat ruddy complexion. In the eyes, he could see Brienna, but his soul seemed as dark as his Luca thought.

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