Ch. Fifty

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Three weeks had gone by since Raye had any sort of meaningful encounter with the Paulsons. The last time she saw them was on that melancholic day Craig was finally liberated from his physical connections to the earth and to them. It almost felt like they were willfully avoiding her or something she'd assumed, feeling the brunt of the past few weeks.

The girl's mind had led her to believe that Brie's family had gotten enough of the excitement and grief that hung around her like dangling ornaments. And Raye wanted to broach the topic with Brienna so badly, but she kept it to herself. She kept her worries and evidence to herself hoping Brie would never notice the change in her behaviour, but as usual, she did. Then it became a game of hiding seek between them, resolving in Raye never truly saying what affected her and remaining disconsolate.

Raye, although elated that they'd gone three whole weeks without any surprises, felt a pang of sadness and fear crusting her heart. It squeezed and kicked her insides, leaving her bruised after watching the very people she had begun to love and care for slowly sift her out of their lives. She wasn't paranoid because she saw the way Cassie ignored her; being constantly busy to even talk to her over the phone and she saw how even Bran kept his distance.

Sometimes when she caught her mind harbouring those thoughts, Raye would chuckle, giving herself a little smack upside the head. The Paulsons weren't fickle nor petty but good people and she needed to remind herself more often than not of what they were. They only seemed distant now because they were still very much grieving for Craig. Everyone still grieved for him. It's what she told herself to feel better.

Ever since the day, Brienna had returned nothing was the same and everyone appeared stagnant. Charlie had found other things to do that occupied her time. When she did come around there was no light in her eyes, and she appeared to be this vessel controlled by a second force.

All of Brie's friends had their lives to live but came around when necessary; Christopher was slowly coming back around and for that Raye held no grudge against him.

Mia and Ava were always on her side, along with Trisha's support too, but even they kept a safe distance. The only person that Raye could've turned to, in order to express her feelings was her uncle.

Luca was her listening ear and her unlicensed therapist, helping her through the things she didn't want her fiance to know. Brienna of all people tended to ruminate until the problems ate her away and that was one of the many traits both girls shared in common. But Raye didn't want that. She didn't want Brie having to act as the bearer of her loads, she wanted to do it herself.

She was stubborn and was hell-bent on doing what she wanted, her own way. She was unhappy with how things unfurled until she gets a call that leaves her wondering if it was safe to assume they were moving forward.

. . .

"You're saying my dad wants you to go on a fishing trip, correct?" Brienna questions, eyeing the girl who stood looking down at her with puppy eyes. She'd just woken up, her messy brown hair spilling all around her. She was even rubbing her sleepy eyes, dreading the thought of leaving her cosy bed so early in the day. She bit her red lips which were even more plump than usual, watching the way it enticed her girl, noticing Brie's cute little gaze that never left her.

"Yes, it's what he wants."

"So what's wrong, aren't you going?" The girl questions quietly, her brow up in the air.

"I've done a lot of things before baby, but catching fish was not one of them. Now that he means it, I don't know and what do I even wear to such a thing?"

Raye was nervous. She'd never really spent any quality time with her father in law, where it was just the two of them without other individuals but she knew they tolerated each other and to the point where she'd say they were close enough to be pals but recent events had left her questioning their relationship.

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