Ch. Forty- Six

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A/n: once again if the small portion of Italian in this contains grammatical errors it nuh my fault, I got it from google 👁️👄👁️

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The black leather interior of the car came across as where time didn't seem to exist or it was assumably because of the gravity of the situation that left Luca feeling an insurmountable dread and as if space and time crawled like snails. The vicinage between himself and Charlie was so quiet, he could've heard a pin drop or even the manic beating of his own heart and he frowned.

Luca wanted, no wished that he had the potential to turn the situation around. To make their dilemma disappear, to get Brienna back safely and for Raye to never have to risk her life in such away. He wished he was the one to face the adversities and not his niece. He wished Craig didn't die, and he certainly wished his brother was still alive. None of what they faced would've happened under Paul. The man had a way in getting things done, he was efficient and respected and damn well wouldn't have allowed their stubborn niece to walk headfirst into danger.

After a while, the older man's thoughts were distracted by the young girl within the driver's seat of the car when she clears her throat. He could see her sharp pale eyes searching into his soul. She was drumming her fingers on the steering wheel, a clear sign that she too was anxious.

"What?" He asked and she immediately stopped hitting the object.

"I-uh, I'm nervous. I'm worried. Usually, I'm all for drama and living dangerously on the edge but this is beyond that. This is living right beside death and probably worse, incapacitation and I've just now realized it."

Luca scoffed, finding it somewhat amusing that the girl thought being locked up was worse than being dead. He would've even laughed if he wasn't in such a horrible mood but his mind was weighed by much heavier things. However, he agreed.

"I can assure you that you are right, being locked up is far worse."

Charlie nods, gazing out into the mid day's atmosphere. The sun was peeking out more and more each day. The streets were scattered with a few locals heading about their day. It was almost as if the people sensed danger and possible death in the air. The girl was sure if she sniffed carefully the stench of it would fill her nose, gripping her lungs and strangling her right there in the driver's seat.

Glancing over at the capo, she realized that even he seemed to have sensed it. The man held a balled fist to his lips, the muscles in his jaw flexed each time he probably had a horrible thought. The dismay that was tossing within the pits of her stomach returned and in an even higher drive when the man decided to abandon their appointed task unexpectedly.

"I'm going in there, to be with her." The man says out of nowhere and Charlie panicked. She tried to find the right words to say to Luca but she fumbled awkwardly.

"Hey, w-wait. What are you doing?" She finally manages when Luca stepped out of his side of the car. She had followed him, running around to stand directly in front of him so he couldn't move. She was taller by a few inches but that did nothing to help with the feeling of insignificance she felt. He made her feel small with that fierce gaze.

"Boss told us to wait here. She needs us to be here for Brie."

"I can't but you can. The guys are around to help you. I'm going to make sure no one touches my niece." The man pushes past her, a gun tucked within his waist. Luca jogs a little out of the street that they were parked in, leaving Charlie totally confounded.

She sighs, grazing her fingers through her short hair. Raye was going to murder her for not persuading her uncle to remain passive and she honestly didn't know if she would've lived through it.

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