Ch. Forty- One

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"You can't just go on a wild goose chase, nor am I allowing you to go like this," Luca states sternly. He and Bran had surrounded Raye so she couldn't get into the car Charlie had driven back to the apartment. Bran was scared, eyes darting all around the place type scared and the girl saw it in his face but she had no intentions of hurting him. She just wanted him to move so she could get in the car and find Quinn or any of his henchmen and put a bullet in their skull.

"For the last time, get out of my way. They have Brienna and you know I can't be here doing nothing."

"I know that but you running out into the night all worked up like this isn't good. We've already lost a good man today, we can't afford to lose you too. Think about Brienna and how she would react to hearing she lost both her fiancè and brother on the same day."

"I am thinking about her," Raye says, wiping tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. "It's why I need to find her. What if he hurts her?" She queries, her lips quivering. "I only got her back a year ago, I can't lose her again Luca."

"And you won't. You just need to calm down and let the guys try to find her. We can probably negotiate with Quinn if he has her but don't let this anger consume you. We need you to be here when we find her." The man had toned his voice down, speaking from the heart and hoping he'd break through to his niece.

"He's not going to negotiate. We don't have anything that he needs. Even if you say me or you, he'd have his guys kill us before we even step foot in whatever vicinity they're keeping Brienna in."

"Then we come up with a plan," Bran pitches nervously, gazing between niece and uncle. They brought their gazes to him, egging him to go on.

"Since you can't go barging around the place looking for him, why don't you do it discreetly? Like an undercover type thing." He says, pausing, his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. Raye could see the tiredness behind his bright eyes. She'd never expected in all her days that Bran would be standing there giving her advice on something she was more than familiar with. She never expected that any of what happened today was going too. Raye always felt like she and her uncle had things under control especially since she was hurt but she was absolutely wrong.

"Go to the clubs and the bars he would hang out and watch his movements or have someone do it. Get enough guys to be on standby so that if they get him alone, he could be taken out."

"So, take the man that took Brienna?" Luca asks, his brows threading together.

"I'm aware that it wouldn't be easy and sounds like a foolish plan but yeah. If you can't get him, try a brother or his wife or children, someone close, ya know? Isn't that what you guys normally do, an eye for an eye?"

"Yes, but we don't fuck around Quinn like that. He's usually the one going to those extreme lengths to cause trouble." Luca replied.

"Then we be like him," Raye says,

"We cannot do that tonight. We need a better plan." Her uncle replies, aware that his reasoning with the girl was enough to quell her hysteria. She wasn't breathing heavily like before nor were the veins in her forehead protruding. Her drunken state by the mist of her anger had dissipated. Raye seemed about level-headed enough to make better decisions and judgments. He placed a hand on her arm and she shot her gaze to him.

"I know you want to find her and so do we. We can go to the cops first if you want but we have to do it tomorrow. I know, I know that's too long of a wait. You just need to be calm. Quinn is a sadistic man but he isn't impulsive enough to hurt Brienna yet and we both know that. We all know he's using her as bait to lure us in and if you run in his face like this he's going to murder every last one us he gets his hands on and her family."

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