A Gift Giving Christmas | Chapter 31

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It had been a busy past month and a half for me. Jacob had moved into the flat with me, which caused me to be constantly filming videos with him for my channel, along with his. Jj, who was one of the boys I had hung out the most, was very focused on his boxing and did not have as much fooling around time. We had started to drift apart because of how busy we were, which was quite sad for me because I thought we were just getting somewhere. Bog hadn't been around as much either. He had finally uploaded a youtube video which I can say I'm extremely proud of him for. He had also opened Kicktown which was doing pretty well at the moment, he had never even mentioned it to me, so it was quite the surprise when I found out.

"Bog! Open the door up please!" I said loudly whilst kicking his flat door with my foot. Now usually I would have used my fist to knock, but I was holding a few presents in my hands. The Sidemen had already done their little secret santa together, but I definitely wanted to give some of my friends presents. So me, Harry, Freezy, Lux, Vikk, and Tobi had all decided to meet up and give each other some actual real nice gifts for the holidays.

"I'm coming you slag!" Harry yelled from behind the door, I could hear his feet slapping on the ground as he ran over to the door, which earned a chuckle out of me. The door quickly swung open and there stood Harry with a santa hat sitting crooked on his head.
"Woah..." Harry said as he was staring at me, but quickly directed his eyesight towards the gifts in my hands and on the floor by the door.
"You did a really good job on the wrapping" Harry said as he rubbed the back of his neck, and still stood in the doorway so I could not get inside.
"Thank you Bog. I really tried so that means a lot. But can you please move" I asked him while smiling, so that it wouldn't come off as mean.

Harry moved aside and let me walk in, I put the presents I was holding inside of the lounge, while Harry nicely grabbed the others for me.
"Sorry about that whole Harry ordeal, he just hasn't seen you in a while, forgot how gorgeous you are" Lux said as a joke as he walked up next to me and put his right arm around my shoulders.

"He's not wrong" Harry whispered under his voice, obviously meaning for nobody to hear. Although me and Freezy definitely did.
"What was that Bog?" Freezy asked, to try and get Harry to repeat what he had said.
"I don't know. Did you hear a weird noise or something?" Harry asked Freezy, obviously trying to cover the fact that he had whispered anything.

"Anyways! Lux! Stop trying to hit on the poor girl just cause you're single now mate" Freezy said in a quite hyper voice.
"That's not what I'm doing! It was just a joke" Lux defended very quickly.

"A pretty shit one" I fired at Lux which made Freezy and Harry chuckle in the slightest.
"So when are Tobi and Vikk getting here" I asked the boys, but mostly Harry, since I was facing towards him.
"Not for another hour" Harry said with a 'yikes' type look on his face.
"Wait! Why an hour bog? You told me be here at 12!" I asked him, very confused on why I was showing up earlier than the other two.
"Well we figured you would be running late. So we told you an earlier time" Harry explained to me as Lux gave him a confused look.

"I thought it's because you wanted to talk to Aria before they showed up and stole her" Lux butted into the conversation. 
     "Well yes, that parts also true. And speaking of that. I wanna show you something Aria" Bog told me as he stood up.

     "Oh! Okay!" I exclaimed as Harry grabbed my hand and took me up the stairs in their loft.

"So!" Harry said quickly and sort of loudly as he looked around for something inside of his desk.
"I got this! For Katie. Do you think it's nice" Harry asked me as he opened up a case for a necklace and held it out for me to look.
"Wow! That's literally gorgeous Bog. Katie's definitely lucky to have someone so nice giving her gifts like this. The way it shines! Whew!" I said as I rested my hand behind the pendant and angled it all different ways to catch the light.
"I'm glad you think it's great. I hope she really likes it" Harry said with a big smile on his face as he closed the jewelry box and placed it onto his desk.
"Now go back down with the Cal's. I have something to do real quick" Harry said as he put his hands on my back basically pushing me down the steps.
"Okay! Okay! Geesh" I said as I now walked down the steps on my own.

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