Misunderstanding | Chapter 46

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From: Katie
   Aria. Jacobs my cousin

To: Katie
   What do you mean cousin ?

From: Katie
   We're related Aria. Come to your flat and me and him will explain everything

    I didn't know if she was telling the truth, but it was worth going to see. I quickly jumped out of the bed, wiped away the tear stains on my face and rummaged through my bag of clothes for some clothes.
   "Aria. Where are you going?" Jj asked me as he walked in and I looked threw my clothes all over the place trying to find a simple tshirt.
   "I'll explain later Jide. Can you get me my bucket hat I don't have time to brush my hair" I asked him as I started to take my clothes off and change.
   "Sure. You're acting strange" Jj said as he walked out of the room to go grab my bucket hat that was in the lounge.

     As I slid my last leg into my sweatpants Jj walked back into the room with my bucket hat.
   "Here" he said as he placed it on top of my head and then gave me a kiss on the cheek.
   "Thank you so much Jide. I won't be gone for long. I promise" I told him as I gave him a quick kiss. I grabbed my phone, keys, and put on my sliders right before I ran out of the flat door. I drove all the way to my flat in complete silence. If what they're telling me is true, that means I made Harry go through so much heartbreak for no reason. It would all have been my fault.

     Once I arrived at my flat door, I hesitated walking in for a good few minutes. Then right when I was about to reach out for the door handle, somebody else had already started to open it, Jacob.
   "Hey. I think we have a lot to go over" Jacob said as he moved to the side to let me walk in.
   "Yea... I guess we do" I said awkwardly as I walked into my own flat. It felt weird being in here, the atmosphere didn't feel right. It didn't feel like the place I had been living at for so many months.

     "Should we sit down or something" Jacob said as he motioned towards the sofa which had Katie sitting on it. Now that I looked at them near each other, they did kinda of resemble each other the tiniest bit...

     I sat down on the sofa, silence filling the room for a few moments until Katie spoke up.
   "I want to prove to you that we weren't doing anything wrong. We're cousins, and the reason we were texting and that I was going to come over was because of you" Katie said as she pulled out her phone, probably for some type of proof.
   "What do you mean because of me?" I asked them, wondering what I had to do with any of this.
   "Well your birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and to be a good friend I wanted to throw a surprise party for you" Jacob explained as he looked over at Katie, probably looking for her to talk. Since Jacob never really seemed to like any type of confrontation.

     "So Jacob came to me asking for ideas, since I was the only other girl he really knew living around here. We were going out to buy a few things that day but he wanted me to come over first so we could figure out where we wanted to hang banners and such" Katie explained as she pulled something up on her phone and showed me. I grabbed the phone from her hands and read the text messages that were on the screen.

Can you come over sometime today. A isn't going to be here for a long time ;)

Sure! That means we have a lot of time to plan together then. What color theme are you thinking just so I know

I know that she really likes purple a lot. especially lilac

Okay. I think a lilac and gold would be really cute. When I get there I'll look at all the areas we could possible put streamers and such 🙃

As I finished reading the texts I just couldn't believe it. Katie and Jacob were doing such a nice thing for me, and I completely turned it into something different.

"I'm so sorry guys! I truly didn't know I'm so sorry. I feel like an idiot not. I'm gonna go talk to Harry! I'm gonna make everything right. I'm so sorry" I told them quickly as I handed her phone back.
"It's okay Aria. We don't really blame you, we understand that it looked really bad and we probably would've done the same thing. So we're not holding any grudges" Jacob told me as he came over to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.
"But yea... if you could explain this whole thing to Harry. It would mean the world to me" Katie said with a smile, as a tear slipped down her cheek.
"Do you think we can all still be friends?" I asked them, hoping that we could put this behind us.
"Of course Aria. After all, we live together" Jacob told me as he patted me on the back.
"I'd love to be friends Aria. They're always misunderstanding in life, and we can get past them" Katie said as she came over and we all group hugged.

"Thank you guys so much. I think I'm gonna go though, I need to talk to Harry and explain things" I told them as I grabbed all my stuff and headed for the door.
Although I wasn't going to call Harry right away, I headed to Tobi's flat to get his thoughts on the whole situation.

"Tobi!" I yelled as I knocked on his door.
"Aye aye aye! We're supposed to be self quarantining" Tobi said as he opened the door for me to walk in.
"I know I know, but I just talked to Katie and Jacob, and I was so wrong Tobi. Everything about Katie cheating, I was so wrong" I told him as I went in and sat down on his sofa. Running my hands through my hair.

"What do you mean wrong?" Tobi asked me with a confused look on his face.
"They're cousins Tobi, and Jacob was using her help to throw me a surprise party" I told him as he sat down next to me.
"So she didn't cheat? And a surprise party for what? Your birthday?" Tobi asked as he placed an arm around my shoulders in a comforting way.
"No she didn't cheat. At all.... and yes my birthday. They were trying to be so nice to me, and I ruined Katie's relationship on accident" I told Tobi as my heart started to beat really quickly. At this point I was so scared to talk to Harry. I didn't know how he was going to react. Was he going to be mad at me for telling him something so serious like that, without all the evidence.

"Have you talked to Harry and told him the truth?" Tobi asked me as he rubbed circles into my back, trying to calm me down.
"No... I haven't. What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?" I asked as I looked up at Tobi, water starting to line my eyes, but no tears slipping yet.

"Well you need to tell him really soon Aria. You need to fix things" Tobi told me as he stood up to go grab me a tissue for any tears that might come.

"I know Tobi. Trust me... I know" I told him, letting out a huge sigh afterwards and laying down, staring at the ceiling above me.

I heard someone's phone making a call, and assuming it was Tobi, I didn't bother to pay attention. Well that's until I heard Harry's voice.
"Hey Tobs. What's up?" Harry's voice came through the phone on speaker.
"Hey Bog. Aria's at my place right now and she needs to talk to you" Tobi said as he walk back over and tried to hand me his phone.

"No no no no no" I mouthed to Tobi, trying to tell him I wasn't ready to talk.
"Aria? You there?" Harry asked, probably confused on why it was so quiet.

"Oh yea. Uh. Hey Harry. So there's some things I have to clear up" I told him as I finally grabbed the phone from Tobi, flipping him off in the process.

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