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Regulus Arcturus Black, Sirius' younger brother, died at age 18.

After filming 20 kittens for the moving plates in Umbridge's office set, the kittens went on to be domestic pets. Their new owners were unaware with the kittens' famous origins.

The Bloody Baron, the Slytherin ghost, fell in love with Helena Ravenclaw when they were alive. He was sent by Rowena Ravenclaw to find Helena in Albania. But Helena refused to return with him. In a fit of rage, he killed her. When he realized what he had done, the baron stabbed himself with the same knife he used to kill Helena. Because was still covered in Helena's blood as a ghost, he earned the name "Bloody Baron"

Professor Flitwick was a dueling champion before he went to teach Charms at Hogwarts.

Cho Chang's patronus is a Swan.

Harry and Ginny's Kids' first names are James Sirius, Albums Severus and Lily Luna.

Aunt Petunia met Snape when they were children.

Alan Rickman was not the producer's first choice for Snape. But he was specifically picked by JK Rowling.

Ron's boggart changed from spiders to seeing Hermione in pain.

Moaning Myrtle was in Ravenclaw.

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