Facts 471--480:

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Cauldrons have a spell on them to make themselves lighter so that people can carry them around.

Harry has been in 3 common rooms. Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Gryffindor. He has yet to be in the Hufflepuff common room.

Harry's son Albus goes to his first year at Hogwarts in 2017.

The founder of Ilvermony actually married a muggle.

So most of the entire cast had a crush on Emma. But emma had a crush on Tom. Now tom had a crush on Bellatrix... And it was all just awkward.

Peeves is the only Poltergeist to have a physical. Which makes since because Hogwarts houses a lot of teenagers that create trouble all the time.

In the 6th movie, when Harry takes Ron to Professor Slughorn because Ron has a love potion in him. And then Ron sits on the back of the couch and falls backwards. That was not scripted at all. Rupert accidentally fell and of course, daniel break character.

Luna's radish earrings were actually made by the actress herself.

To get into the Hogwarts kitchen, you have to tickle the pear in the painting to get in.

Daniel Radcliffe said his least favorite movie to watch is the 6th movie because he hates how he acted in it.

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