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JK Rowling started creating Harry Potter one day while waiting on a 4 hour train delay.

Over 450,000,000 Harry Potter books have been sold all over the world since the first book came out.

Rowling says Hermione and Ron might need marriage counseling. Emma Watson said "I think there are fans out there... Who wonder wether Ron would have been able to make [Hermione] happy." Rowling said, "Maybe she and Ron will be alright with a bit of counseling you know. I wonder what happens at wizard marriage counseling... He needs to work on his self-esteem issues and she needs to work on being a little less critical".

Azkaban is no longer guarded by Dementors. Aurors now rotate the responsibility of guarding the inmates. They're reportedly just as effective at keeping Dark Witches and Wizards behind bars without sucking their souls.

Rowling has another children's novel up her sleeve. She says "I will definitely write more novels under JK Rowling. I've written part of a children's book, which I really love. I will definitely finish that".

Dumbledore could silently use the incantation "Homenum Revelio" to see Harry Potter under his invisibility cloak.

According to Rowling, Thestrals are native to the UK, while other parts of the world have their own equivalent to Thestrals.

Rowling only admitted in September of 2015 that she has always intended the 't' in 'Voldemort' to be silent. She says "But i'm pretty sure i'm the only person who pronounces it that way".

Dolores Umbridge was based on a real person. JK Rowling never disclosed the person's name, but she stated she was a person "Whom I disliked intensely on sight. The woman in question returned my antipathy with interest".

Both Arthur and Molly Weasley have aunts who were members of the Black Family. Most of the pureblood families are inter-related.

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