Death of General Yin

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It took Ying Yue 2 days to reach the capital. If it was by horse then it would have taken weeks or months.

When she had arrived at her house, which was General Yin's residence, she had collapsed due to fatigue since she did not rest at all and kept dashing non-stop.

Pei Zhi who was back from the South to guard the house saw her weak state and ordered some maids to take care of Ying Yue.

When she woke up, Ying Yue summoned Pei Zhi who appeared in a flash and asked about the updates from when she disappeared.

"There was minimal damage from the flood, Lieutenant General Ting Ting had taken over your duties and is already informed about your condition and on the way back at the moment. While your parents are already informed about your safety and wishes to see you as soon as possible", Pei Zhi reports.

"Any movement from the West?" Ying Yue took a bitter medicine in one gulp and had stood up from the bed, looking at the scenery outside as her room which was on the topmost floor of the mansion.

"The assassins they've sent were killed in the flood and they've been seen trying to contact the nomads"

Ying Yue clench her fist, "Prepare to depart at noon, we're going to the West to give a greeting"

"Yes Master", Pei Zhi nods and disappears in a flash.

Western General Dong Hai... This man was the one who had hired so many assassins for Yin that Yin could not understand why as she had never met with this general before.

Ying Yue wore her mask and at noon departed towards the West country. It only took 3 days of travel as it was quite near to the capital, to begin with, and the only problems that the West had trouble with were bandits and criminals.

Western General Dong Hai had just returned from meeting with the nomad messengers and was currently in his study room as he looks at the report by Official Bo Qin who failed to point fingers at Yin.

In a rage, he threw the reports away and told his Lieutenant to summon official Bo Qin to meet up with him. It was only because of him did this official succeeded in his career.

"Greetings General Dong Hai"

General Dong Hai was surprised to see a man that wore a red and white mask standing in front of his desk, how did he pass through the guards and why couldn't he have sensed him until now?

But once he had recovered, his face was full of hatred towards the youth in front of him and his voice was full of venom when he said, "General Yin".

Yin sighs, how could the famous genius general who became one of the top generals hate her to the guts that he could even betray the country just to kill her.

"It seems that you have made a deal with the nomads in the South country. How could you abandon your loyalty so easily", Yin glares at the man before her and used a mixture of water and wind element to freeze the man's feet and arms until he was incapable to move from his chair.

Dong Hai was shocked, he did hear about the rumours that Yin could wield powers beyond human abilities but since no one could confirm this until now, it was just considered as a false rumour.

"Tell me, what have I done wrong to you that you keep sending assassins just to end my life? We have never met each other until now and you can even recognize me in an instant. Just why is that?"

Dong Hai was boiling, then laughs like a madman as he said, "It is precisely because you do not know what you've done wrong that I want to kill you! You, who had stolen all my glory and genius title! You, who had also stolen the heart of my sweetheart and snatched her away from me! You! You! You!"

Yin could understand the genius title since she did become a general in 2 years and beat the record of General Dong Hai who took 3 years to be one. But sweetheart?

General Dong Hai could see the confusion and smiled bitterly as he said, "You stole the Eastern General daughter's, Xiao Hui's heart. She refused to marry me when I proposed to her because she had her eyes on you!"

Yin did meet with Eastern General Ai Guo and his family when she was working in East country. But she had refused Xiao Hui's heart and stayed away from her until a safe distance.

So, he was mad with jealousy to the brink of insanity. Ying Yue gave a pitiful look towards the general that only further boiled his blood.

"Oh well, I should thank you for this opportunity. Your wish will be fulfilled as Yin will die with you", Yin let Pei Zhi bring a dead body that shares similarities with her and took off her mask to put it on the body.

"Just a few months ago there was a flood that occurred in South country and General Yin had disappeared. He was dragged by the flood to West country and was discovered just recently by Western General Dong Hai who had always hated him and killed him on sight. A fire set by official Bo Qin then killed the two together as official Bo Qin was afraid you would kill him since you are quite known to have a temper and since he failed the mission you gave him, he could only kill you just to save himself"

General Dong Hai looks at Ying Yue in a confused state, "Just so you know, I am a female, to begin with, and my name is Ying Yue. Have a safe journey to the underworld, Western General Dong Hai"

With that, Ying Yue stabbed his chest and set the whole place on fire before walking out with Pei Zhi.

"Make sure official Bo Qin did as told and kill him once he's in prison", Pei Zhi nods in understanding.

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