Ch 2

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Y/n dragged her suitcase into her new apartment. She'd moved back to Japan. Alone. Her parents had approved of her wanting to go to school there though, the hero's that had come from UA where exceptional. Her parents could not come with her due to their jobs but they had seen her off at the airport. Her keys jangled at the door of her newfound home and with a bit of wiggling, the door opened. Y/n left her suitcases outside for a moment, walking into her apartment. It was very nice, a good space for a living room, a kitchen area, a bathroom, and a bedroom. That was all she needed, it was just her after all. Y/n smiled and walked back outside to get her bags. Just as she bent down to hoist a bag up, she heard the door a couple doors down open. A curly green head of hair poked out and gazed at her before stepping out of the doorway.

"H-hey! You must be new here!" He said, walking over to her. Y/n raised her eyebrow at the dude before awkwardly answering.

"Yep..." she started to shuffle her bags into the house.

"Hey wait-! Do you want some help?" The boy didn't really need to ask since he'd already grabbed a bag and was helping her anyway. Y/n shrugged, giggling at the boy. "Wh-wait you look familiar...have I seen you somewhere before?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. Y/n turned around to look at him to see if she'd Recognize the boy and- "oh my god." The realization hit.
Green hair and matching eyes, freckles, always trying to help, nervous stuttering habit... how had she not noticed?!

"Deku?" Y/n raised an eyebrow. He winced at the nickname but immediately after, a big smile was displayed.

"Y-y/n!! No way!! W-where've you been?!" He bounced excitedly. "All those years ago you'd gotten into a fight with Kacchan and then you were just GONE afterwards and then Kacchan had no one else to pick on so then he picked on me and I MISSED you so much!" He had started to ramble. Y/n's singular brain cell could not follow so she just started tapping his shoulder furiously to try to get him to calm down.

"I went away to America. And Yep! It's me! Hey deku- ah! I guess I should call you Izuku now shouldn't I? That name's a little childish..." y/n laughed awkwardly. Midoriya shook his hands.

"Ah- Just call me whatever you want! Kacchan still calls me deku..." he trailed off. Y/n patted his back.

"How's Katsuki been without me huh?"
Y/n walked over to her bag to retrieve her water bottle.

"Oh he's been fine, still kickin ahah..." It was Izuku's turn to laugh nervously.

"Hm, good." She took a sip of water. "And your mom? How's she been?" Izuku perked up at the question.

"She doing great!" He beamed. Y/n just had to return the smile. So many years that she'd missed. He'd grown so much and by the looks of it, had even put on a bit of muscle.

"So why'd you move back here?" He asked, helping her unpack the bags. Y/n hummed to herself.

"Im gonna try to get into UA." She turned to hang a shirt up in the closet.

"W-wow! Me too! If we get in then we can hang out together!" His eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Sure! W-wait how do you plan on getting into UA? You don't have a..." y/n trailed off, she didn't mean to bring up the 'you don't have a quirk' topic. It was a sensitive  topic and she didn't want to upset the pure broccoli child.

"Oh!" He paused for a second, thinking. "It developed late!" He scratched the back of his head. Y/n blinked at him. Squinting her eyes at him.

"S I C K!" She shouted, giving him a high five.

The two of them continued to share their stories and once everything had been unpacked Izuku bid his farewell and had gone back to his apartment. Y/n turned on the tv for some comforting background noise while she worked on a list of things she needed for her room.

A/n: here's your meme!

____________________________A/n: here's your meme!

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