Ch 15

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Y/n let out a cough. She'd awoken the next day with a fever. "Guess i really was working up a cold yesterday huh?" She sighed at her pitiful state. Nose runny, tissue box beside her, bundled in blankets and sitting in front of the tv with some tea. She'd texted Kirishima earlier that she wouldn't be at school and he'd told her he'd bring home all the homework for her. As the day went on y/n had begun to feel more tired, she'd gotten up to get something to eat but it came back up half an hour later. She was shaky and felt weak. She knew she had to keep herself hydrated but the fridge was soooo far away. "Geez I caught something really nasty," she mumbled under her breath.

The doorbell rang but to y/n the sound was far away. "Mph," she made a sound as she tried to pull herself to her feet but it was no use. Eventually the person just opened the door and walked in.

"Oi! Where are you!" Bakugo shouted from the doorway. When he got no answer he decided to just look for y/n.
"There you are, the hells' wrong with you?" He said as he stomped over to y/n's curled figure on the couch.

"Where's, Kiri? I thought he was bringing my homework." She asked weakly.

"He made me do it, got a problem?" Bakugo huffed.

"Mmm," she reached up at him with her hands.

"I put your homework on the tab-," he sighed. "What'd you want?" He glared down at her.

"Could you carry me to my room?" She whispered softly. Bakugo's nose scrunched in annoyance. "Please?" She gave him the saddest face she could muster. He rolled his eyes at her.

"Tch- Fine, don't tell anyone I'm doing this for you!" His hands slid under y/n's legs and back as he lifted her off the couch. Her arms instinctively wrapped around his neck. From where she was she could hear Bakugo let out a seemingly frustrated sigh. He pushed her bedroom door open with a leg and set her down on the bed.

"Thank you." Y/n said as she pulled the covers over herself.

"Yeah, whatever." Bakugo said. Just as he was about to close the door y/n spoke again.

"Katsuki?" She called. Bakugo grumpily walked back into the room.

"What now?!" He crossed his arms.
Y/n opened her mouth to speak but quickly realized that she was not ready to say the words.

"I- never mind." She said, her cheeks burning a little. Bakugo squinted at her in annoyance.

"Whatever idiot, I'm going." And with that he left the room.

Y/n'd dozed off and had various and just wonderful fever dreams (Sarcasm intended). But her eyes shot open and hear heart was pounding at the realization that she had a test tomorrow. She immediately got up and opened her school bag to start studying when she remembered something else. She didn't do her homework.

"Oh just great." She pressed her lips together in frustration. "Ok problem one...I don't get it." She ran a hand through her hair. "Not gonna cry not gonna cry not gonna- I'm crying." And yep she cried, she got the homework done, but she cried. She let out a sigh of relief.

"Ahh got that done."


"I still have to study..." y/n plastered a fake smile onto her face and got to studying.


"OH GOSH ITS 2:00!" Y/n screamed and then quickly clamped a hand around her mouth. Her face reddened . The realization that she'd probably woken everyone in the apartment complex washed over her. She rushed around to do all the necessary before-bed things and then took her temperature again.

"I've still got a fever...maybe it'll be gone by morning." She sighed as she climbed into bed for the second time that day.



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