Ch 14

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After she got home and did all her necessities y/n had laid down into the comfort of her bed. After a bit of half asleep worrying her brain finally allowed her rest. And now the dreamy part of her brain awakened.

She felt warm, her heart was burning with a feeling that was familiar but much more intense than she'd ever felt. She could move her arm, it was a little delayed but she could move. Her soft covers could still be felt. But god it was so warm, and her heart kept fluttering like a little bird. Gently, her mind allowed her to notice the warm weight around her waist. She was pressed up against someone in a delicate hold. Her face rested by their collarbone. She took a deep breath and a familiar smell graced her senses. Katsuki. Her brain had memorized it by now. She was aware that this was all a dream but- it felt so real. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest. Every so often he'd adjust his arms, tightening around her. A kiss, very faint, as if he was so sleepy he hadn't the strength to fully press his lips to her forehead. Her heart burst into flames, emotions built up and repressed had started to spill. She glanced down to her heart, things were fuzzy but she could make out the lick of flames coming from it. She was on fire, actual fire.

Y/n's eyes opened, the traces of her dream felt like they were slipping through her fingers. The burning feeling had not left her, nor did she expect it would. She shook off the dream and got up, made her bed, and headed out of her room to make herself breakfast. She tried drinking water to quench the burning feeling but it was deeper than that, couldn't be washed away by water or medication. Though y/n didn't know that.

"...maybe I'm sick..." she thought to herself, heading to her bathroom and pulling out a thermometer to take her temperature. "No, I don't have a fever....strange..." she scratched her head in confusion. Y/n put the thermometer away and headed back to the kitchen to grab her breakfast, slip on her shoes and backpack, and head to school.

On her way to UA she'd been joined by Izuku and some of his friends.

"Hey, y/n, uhm I'm sorry I haven't been hanging out with you," he let out a nervous laugh. "But, Your always with Kacchan and we don't get along very well..." he fumbled with his fingers.

"Oh it's alright Izuku, no hard feelings man. I know you and Bakugo don't get along well. I'm still your friend though!" Y/n gave him a wink and bumped her shoulder into his. He smiled back and nodded his head.

"Heyyyy!!! Y/n! Over here!" Kirishima waved at y/n from behind them. Y/n turned to look at the redhead and turned back to Izuku.

"Imma join him, alright?" She asked. Izuku simply nodded and smiled. Y/n turned around and jogged to walk with Krishima. "Hey, where's Baku and Kaminari?" Y/n asked, looking around for the two. Kirishima shrugged.

"Bakugo does his own thing sometimes, Kaminari too. Y-you'll walk with me right! I don't wanna walk all alone!" Kirishima fake cried. Y/n giggled at him.

"Of course!" After a few minutes the two of them walked into class and plopped down Into their seats. Bakugo was already there so y/n assumed he must've left home to get here early.


The bell rang and kids were packing their things. Y/n hadn't even noticed. She'd been staring off into space, daydreaming. A certain blonde took notice, his eyes lingered for a few moments too long and Kirishima saw. Not saying anything the redhead turned to see what what caught the eyes of his grumpy friend. He looked and saw y/n. Krishima said nothing but turned back to look at Kaminari. Both of them nodded and started their own conversation.

"We're headin home, you coming Bakugo?" Kirishima asked. Bakugo nodded his head.

"I'll meet you guys outside," he said gruffly.

"Oooookay." Krishima smirked.

The evening sun that was warming y/n was blocked by a shadow. The loss of warmth caused y/n to pull herself out of her daydream. She looked up at the person who dared to tear her focus from her lovely fantasy.

"You comin or what?" Bakugo's eyes met her own. Y/n's mouth opened and closed for a second.

"Yeah," she pulled her bag onto her shoulder and stood up. The two of them walked out and met their friends outside. The walk home was silent and y/n was getting weirded out. Why was everyone so quiet? Was Kaminari ok? He'd usually make some silly joke by now...
"Uhh, are you guys alright? Did something happen?" She asked nervously.

"Bakugo told us what happened the other day," Kirishima's voice was serious. Y/n's eyes widened a little. "So were walking you home." Y/n's mood dropped. Did they think she couldn't handle herself? Why did they seem so mad? Where they mad at her? Was it annoying that they had to walk her home? Y/n's head ran wild with (irrational) thoughts.

"Sorry." She said quietly. Immediately her friends all turned to look at her.

"Why're you sorry?! You didn't do anything wrong!" Kirishima's hand hovered around her shoulder, not wanting to upset her further but also trying to comfort her.

"Yeah! Y/n were not angry with you or anything! The only person we're angry at is the man that thought it's was ok to talk to you like that!" Kamari piped in.

"And don't get some dumb idea like we think you can't handle yourself. We all know your capable." Bakugo grumbled From beside her. Y/n burst Into tears.

"W-whoA DONT CRY!" Krishima hugged her. Kaminari hugging the two of them too.

"I-I love you guys!" Y/n cried into Kirishima's shoulder.

"Oh no now I'm crying!" Krishima sniffled. Bakugo Shuffled awkwardly behind them. Not quite sure what to do with himself in this situation. Y/n was let go of the comfort hug and they resumed their walk home. Bakugo felt something brush his shoulder. He glanced to look at y/n in his peripherals.

"Thank you Katsuki." Y/n whispered. It was very faint but he'd picked it up. A quick nod was given.

"Yeah." He grumbled.



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