Ch 11

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"NO YOU IDIOT GET THE CREEPER ITS-," a loud boom was heard from the screen as Bakugo's player died. The gang had decided they'd play Minecraft and Kaminari was doing a horrible job a keeping the mobs away. "DAMN IT SOMONE DIDNT SET THE SPAWN!" Bakugo screeched as he respawned at the start.

"That would be you, Bakugo!" Kirishima laughed at him. "Hey y/n, how's the mining going? You get us that tasty iron ore?" Y/n had no time to answer as she furiously tapped on the controller, killing zombies left and right.

"GOD KAMINARI HELP HER!" Bakugo yelled as he speed ran back to where they were building their house.

"IM T R Y I N G!" Kamari was almost on the verge of tears. Eventually both y/n and him came out of the cave alive with 36 iron in hand.

"Some bread for your labor," kirishima threw bread at them.

"HA IM BACK!" Bakugo yelled as his character sped into view. "OK LETS GET THE DRAGON!" He started crafting multiple swords.

"BAKUUUU our orrrreeeee aaaaaaaaaa!" Krishima cried. Y/n and Kaminari shed a tear, their near death experience wasted on multiple iron swords.

"I-I'm Just going to grow a garden." Y/n sighed, Kaminari joining her.

"Where'd you put the prongles?" Y/n asked, reaching for the can.

"Uhhh-huhuh hhh I might have eaten them all." Kaminari nervously fidgeted from his spot on the floor.

"Fatass, you ate them all?" Bakugo quietly commented as he entered the end portal.

"HEY I am not fat and HOWD YOU GET THAT PORTAL SO FAST?" Kaminari pointed at the screen.

"Creative." Bakugo's Controller was crying under the immense pressure.

"BAKUGO that's not very manly!" Kirishima whined. Y/n gave a disapproving shake of her head at Bakugo (Even tho she does the same thing).

"Lock him outta the house." Kaminari blankly stated.  "Get the iron door y/n."
Y/n nodded, crafting the door. A knock was heard at the real door in Bakugo's room. All of them went still, except for the feral blonde who was beating the crap out of the ender dragon. The door to his room swung open and there stood a tired Mitsuki.

"Alright kids you better get to bed it's like..." she paused to look at the time. "2 a.m." Bakugo gave her a glare just as the dragon died.
"Do not look at me like that young man I W I L L pull the plug on your tv."

"Fine whatever," he huffed, his mother embarrassing him slightly.

"Alright, night kids!" She gave a kiss to the forehead of every child except for her own and closed the door.

"Awww wittle Baku didn't get a kiss." Kaminari teased.

"Shut up dunce face!" Bakugo said as he flopped on the bed.

"No really kisses are important to your mental heath!" Kirishima joined in. "Alright hold him down!" The redhead shouted. Both y/n and Kaminari pounced, holding down the blondes arms. Of course, Bakugo was screeching at this point, small explosions going off in his hands. Kirishima leaned down and gave him a peck on the forehead.

"My turn!!" Kaminari leaned down to give Bakugo's forehead a kiss too. Bakugo was spitting rancid cursed at them. The Ketchup and mustard boys looked to y/n as if saying 'your turn'. Y/n looked down at Bakugo who was staring mad daggers at her. She gave him a gentle smile and leaned down, her lips gracing his soft forehead. His eyes squinted, nose scrunched, lips pulled up into a scowl, his cheeks were flaming.

"OOOOOH YOU GOT HIM TO BLUSH!!!" Both kirishima and Kaminari yelled and pointed at the flustered blonde.

"S-SHUT UP! IM NOT!" He frantically looked around the room. "GO TO SLEEP! ALL OF YOU!" he shoved them off the bed and yanked the covers over himself.
Now on the floor, kirishima and Kaminari gave y/n a thumbs up.

They'd all made a makeshift bed on the floor and eventually fell asleep after quietly making fun of Bakugo.



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