Ch 19

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Quick reminder!
Quirk: Metal Manipulation

You can manipulate metal that is anywhere in a 10 foot radius to you. You can bring it to yourself (like a magnet) and bend and twist it.

Drawbacks: using your quirk on an object that is quite large or thick will exhaust you and can result in aching joints.

"Are you that girl that yelled at us in the hallway the other day?!" An upperclassmen yanked y/n up by her shirt. The older girl was much taller than y/n and very intimidating to say the least. And by y/n's observation, she was quite angry...or...embarrassed about something? Y/n thought back and remembered that a couple weeks about a girl had yelled at a bunch of upperclassmen for standing in the middle of the hallway. Y/n let out a nervous laugh.

"Haha uhh I think you've got the wrong person..." she said, unclipping her bracelet behind her back and letting the metal beads fall to the ground.

"Oh no I'm pretty sure it's you. I remember it. You and that little purple freak who had to carry you off. Yep. We took care of him don't worry." Y/n had started to sweat out of nervousness. Had they really beat the crap out of this kid? Was this girl really going to beat the crap out of her? For a reason so trivial? Y/n was baffled. She didn't even have the right girl.

Bakugo rounded the corner right as y/n received a slap to the face. He stopped in his tracks. A full flaming rage building behind his eyes.

"THE HELL?" He yelled. The girl took her focus off y/n and onto Bakugo. Y/n took this moment to wriggle free and use her quirk to pelt her with beads. The taller girl shrieked and backed up a bit.

"OW that HURTS YOU BITCH." she screamed at y/n.

"HAH! Serves you right!" Bakugo teased, standing over the girl. "ARE YOU REALLY TRAINING TO BE A HERO? YOURE NOT DOING A VERY GOOD JOB AT IT!" Bakugo tilted his head back and let out a laugh. The upperclassmen stood up embarrassedly, brushed herself off and walked away. "Tch, coward." He whispered under his breath.

"Your one to talk." Y/n jested.


"About being a hero, mister angry." She laughed at him.

"Huh? I'm as good as a hero as everyone else! No, I'm going to be even better!" His trademark angry-inspired smile spread into his face. Y/n couldn't help but smile as well.

"I'm going to need to see you two in my office." A kind voice called from below them. Their principal had received word of a fight.

"Now," Nezu spoke. "I'm going to need an explanation." Y/n explained everything, talking about when the girl grabbed her right before first period etc.
"Alright," Nezu said and turned to Bakugo. "And when did you come in young lad?"

"I left class to take a piss and I saw this idiot get slapped." He said pointing at
y/n. The bear-mouse nodded at him and turned back to y/n.

"When I talked to the other girl she told me that you hit her with beads?" He sounded confused. Y/n sighed.

"It's my quirk, I can control metal. I use a bracelet with those beads on it to...uhm- to aid me with my quirk." She stumbled on her words nervously.

"Well, since the use of quirks is prohibited against students outside of gym classes I have to set a punishment for you." Nezu sighed.

"Eh? IT WAS SELF DEFENCE!" Bakugo shouted.

"You of all people should know the rules Bakugo Katsuki. You've gotten in trouble for unsupervised quirk usages a number of times. But...since you are so charismatic about your girlfriend...and, she does seem like a sweet girl. I'll let her off with a warning."Nezu clasped his paws together. Both Bakugo and y/n grew red at the idea that they were seen as a couple.

"H-he's Not my-," they both spoke at the same time.

"Alright you two! Discussion's over! Shoo shoo back to class!" He waved them out of the office with a smile.

The walk back to class was silent. Y/n was frantically thinking of things to say. 'It's funny that he thought we were dating!' No, no, she couldn't say that. That sounded stupid. 'Did you sleep well last ni-,' what was she thinking. That's completely random.

"What are you doing after school today Katsuki?" She asked, finally thinking of something decent to say. Bakugo sighed in annoyance.

"Your coming over to study remember dumbass?"
Y/n nodded, indeed just now remembering that.

They walked into the classroom and took their seats. Aizawa was giving the class a lecture about something and y/n hustled to get all her stuff out in time to take some notes.

~time skip~

"Want some?" Kaminari offered y/n some of his snack before he walked home.

"Nah I'm good, gotta save room for Katsuki's mom's cooking." Y/n patted her stomach.

"Ooooo~ you going over to Bakugo's house tonight?"

"I told you they were study buddies didn't I?" Kirishima gave Kaminari a manly slap on the back.

"Oh yeah, aren't you the one that set them up?" Kaminari turned to Kirishima.

"It was the manliest thing to do. My friend needed help with her grades and I couldn't just stand back and watch her fail!" Kirishima clenched his fist. Y/n began to laugh at them.

"Wow...your a great friend Kirishima." Kaminari said in awe. The redhead nodded.

"Well, I'll see you two later!" The spiky haired boy waved at them.

"Bye! Guys!" Kaminari waved.

"Bye!" Y/n waved to them. Her and Bakugo walked for a bit before y/n spoke up.

"It's weird walking home your way." She commented, glancing at the blonde out of her peripherals then bringing her gaze back to the sidewalk in front of her. Bakugo didn't respond. He kept his gaze in front of him.

"Your cheek's bruising." He said, breaking the silence.

Y/n smiled at him. "Aww you noticed! When did you notice?"

"A little while ago. When you were making stupid jokes with dunce face." He huffed. Y/n's smile grew.

"Does that mean you were looking at me?" She brushed shoulders with him purposely. Bakugo huffed loudly and looked the other way, shoulders tense.
"Hmm?" Y/n pressed him, raising her eyebrows repeatedly.

"So what if I was?" He grumbled as he pulled his house keysout of his backpack.

"Aww!! Katsuki!" Y/n said in the cheesiest voice she could manage. She was pushing his buttons on purpose.

"DAMN IT! SHUT UP!" he yelled, face red. Y/n let out a giggle and followed him into the house.



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