Ch 20

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Y/n woke up when Bakugo gave her a slap to the back of the head. She shot op off the table and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Damnit don't fall asleep when we're IN THE MIDDLE OF STUDYING!!" He yelled, pointing at her paper that laid in front of her on the desk.

"IM SORRY I DIDNT SLEEP WELL LAST NIGHT!" She yelled in return. Bakugo let out a 'tch' and tapped her paper with a finger.

"What'd you get for number three?" He asked, looking to his own copy of the paper.

"X equals nine." She replied, looking down at her own paper. Bakugo looked back at her, eyes squinted in a 'what-the-fuck' look. Y/n chewed on the inside of her lip nervously. "Uhh we're doing math right?" She asked with a half hearted laugh.

"Yes But HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET X EQUALS NINE?" Bakugo looked back down to his paper and took out a calculator, checking his work quickly and then snatching her own paper to scan over her work. He sighed having found her mistake. "You forgot to do parentheses FIRST dumbass!" He said slamming her paper down in front of her.

"W-I THOUGHT I DID???" Y/n looked back at her work and yeah, she forgot. With a sigh she erased the problem and re-did it. "There I'm done. Is that better?" She asked handing the blonde her paper. Bakugo's eyes scanned over the paper.

"Yeah. Ok next one." He said, handing the paper back to her. The two of them worked like this for about an hour, Bakugo scolding her every so often when she forgot a step. As y/n was finishing up her last problem she'd couldn't help but get distracted looking at the blonde. He was staring out of his bedroom window, probably thinking about something.
'He has a really pretty side profile," y/n thought to herself, noticing all the little details and intricacies of his face. His red eyes turned towards her as he glared at her through the corner of his eye.

"What?" Bakugo turned his head to face her. Y/n shook her head.

"Nothing." She said, looking back to her paper.

"Did you finish yet?" He asked but not really waiting for an answer as he leaned over and grabbed her paper. Y/n watched as his red eyes looked over the paper blinking ever so often and looking at his own to check her work. "Good, you did this one right." He said gruffly, handing the paper back to y/n. A big smile made its way onto y/n's face as she leaned over to put the paper back into her bag.

"KATSUKI! FOODS READY!" Bakugo's mom called from downstairs.

"FINE!" He yelled back, standing up and waking to the door. Y/n followed him down the stairs and sat down at the dinner table with his family.

"How's your day y/n?" Bakugo's dad asked her.

"Good! Yours?" Y/n answered back.

"Oh just fine." He answered, taking a bite of food. Mitsuki plopped down in the seat beside him across from y/n and Bakugo.

"You know you can stay here tonight if you want!" Mitsuki said loudly. "It'd keep Katsuki busy so I don't have to deal with his shit." She said, pointing a fork and Bakugo who was glaring daggers at her.

"DONT SUGGEST THAT!" He yelled at his mom. Y/n ignored him and answered Mitsuki.

"Sure! I'd love to stay!" She smiled

"DAMNIT!" Bakugo hissed from beside her.

"Alright! You can use the shower tonight, I'll put your uniform in the wash for tomorrow." Mitsuki said pointing at y/n's school uniform. Y/n nodded, finishing up her food and setting the plate in the dishwasher. Both Bakugo and y/n headed up to his room once again.

"What do you want to do?" Y/n asked Bakugo.

"Like hell I'd know! Your the one that agreed to that old hags suggestion!" He grumbled.

"Hmm oh! We could go get ice cream!" She said excitedly.

"Sure whatever." He said. The two of them descended the stairs again, slipping their shoes on. "WERE LEAVING!" Bakugo yelled to his mom who was washing dishes in the kitchen.

"UGH! FINE BE BACK BEFORE MIDNIGHT!" She yelled back. The two of them walked on the sidewalk till they reached a little ice cream shop they'd come to when they were little.

"Ahh I haven't been here in so long!" Y/n sighed as she entered the little shop.

"What can I get for you two?" A man behind the counter asked. Y/n immediately ordered her childhood favorite and Bakugo ordered Carmel. Once they got their cones they headed over to the park to sit on a bench. A large fountain splashed in front of them and the sun had started to go down, little starts poking out of the night sky.

"How was middle school?" Y/n asked as she broke the silence. She'd wondered what he'd done while she was gone.

"Boring as hell." He said, taking a bite of the cold snack. Y/n cringed watching him just bite it like it was nothing.

"And uhm...when exactly did Izuku's quirk manifest?" She asked. Bakugo clenched his jaw, the topic obviously pissing him off.

"I have no idea. The damn idiot didn't have it when we left middle school." He huffed. Y/n nodded, thinking it was odd but letting the topic go. Whatever it was, it was Izuku's business.

The two of them eventually finished their ice cream and began to head home. It was dark and it was getting hard for y/n to see the sidewalk ahead of her.

"Do you have a flashlight?" Y/n asked Bakugo. She'd left her phone at his house to charge so she couldn't use hers as one.

"No, who the hell carries a flashlight on them?" He asked. Y/n shrugged, though he couldn't see her shrug.

"Your phone?" She asked.

"At home." He responded. Y/n nodded and tried her best to focus on the ground below her. Her foot caught in a crack in the sidewalk and she fell, catching herself with her hands with an 'uhmph'. She could hear Bakugo stop walking and burst into laughter.

"DID YOU JUST FALL ON YOUR ASS?" he was cackling now. Y/n's knees stung from the hard concrete and since she was hurt he only made her frustrated.

"NO! I FELL FORWARD! My knees feel really hot..." she whined. After a moment Bakugo's cackling calmed down.

"They what?" He asked.

"I SAID MY KNEES FEEL REALLY HOT! THEY'RE WARM! HELP ME UP!" She yelled from the ground, feeling around for him.

"Fine...Crap where are you.." he said, bending over and feeling around for her on the ground. Y/n felt his hand bump into her thigh. He grasped on a started to pull up.

"OW THATS MY LEG YOU IDIOT!!" She yelled at him.



"WELL I CANT FRICKING SEE!" He yelled back, his hand finally finding her own and he pulled her back to her feet.
"There, is that better? Or did I grab your foot?" He sneered.

"No, you didn't grab my foot," y/n rolled her eyes. "Thank you." She said, following his footsteps back to the house.



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