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These two tales I found a long long time ago on Facebook, the reason I saved them was because I thought they where both eerily similar, both in the Canada area, Both on or around a reservation....

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Location: Saskatchewan. Canada.
I don't even know where to start, but I'm pretty sure this scary experience happened 4 or 5 years ago I haven't really told anyone because I was so chilled when I would talk about it I would literally just get chills up my spine how could I forget I remember that experience like it was yesterday but it took place in Big river (the reserve) I was walking on the road with my cousin she was a girl and my other cousin who was a boy but we walked him to where he wanted to go it took a little more then a hour to walk there he asked us to stay the night we refused too, it was 2:30 am it was summer, all I wanted to do was sleep so we started walking back and I remember being dead sober walking on the road with my cousin we were half ways to our destination we came across this curve we stopped for awhile I asked her to spark a cigarette so we stood there for 5 minutes talking the moon was out and it was light we were right beside a big open field suddenly it started to get really foggy we started to look around but couldn't see far because of the fog then a man came walking out of the field by himself wearing a real fancy hat pushed to the side, and a trench coat with a vest underneath he had a goatee his hair and his facial hair were nicely cut, I didn't bother to look at his feet he came up to us and asked us for a lighter so we gave him one he asked us where we were going we replied with back to my sisters he asked us if we drink, we said yes but we told him we weren't drinking he then replied do you guys want to go to a party and I said we don't even know you plus you don't even have a ride, he then said I can get one very easily with the snap of my fingers he asked what are you guys doing out this late I can give you guys drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, money, anything you can possibly want fame I had this weird gut feeling in my stomach after he said his last few words I didn't say anything I backed up I grabbed my cousins arm and I pulled her and asked the man if we could be excused he said yes so we backed up and we were arguing for 2 mins cause she wanted to go with him she found him very attractive said everything about him she liked and she tried to convince me to go along I pulled out my phone and checked the time it was 3:04 am I soon then had this really scared feeling to the point where my legs started shaking and chills shot up my spine i tried to remain calm I asked her who else would be up at this time at 3:04 in the morning walking around by themselves coming out of a foggy field and asking to go to a party with him saying he can give us possibly anything we want after saying that to her she gave me a real scared look her face went pale I could tell that she didn't want to go with him anymore she was scared so he came walking to us and said have you guys made up your mind my cousin stood behind me grabbing my arm I said no we don't want go with you he soon then started to get upset trying to convince me I yelled back no we don't want go with you were going back home to sleep so leave us alone he started to get more upset so we just started walking again we then heard the sound of horses running on hard gravel so we both looked back he had hooves and a tail we stood there frozen couldn't move couldn't talk couldn't believe what we just saw he turns back around glances at us a real nice white and gold limousine pulls up it had gold bumpers front and back gold handles gold rims gold plates it had a blue or purple bright neon light under neath the vehicle all around it the license plate had the number 666 on it and it was most nicest looking vehicle that I have ever seen in my life after that vehicle taking off I still stood there frozen watching it drive off once I had control over my body again I turned around as soon as possible grabbed my cousins hand really tight and ran as fastest as I could while running I was praying I did not once stop or look back I was to scared I ran all the way there and it was still far away from our destination when we got there that's all you could hear was our hearts beating really loud and real fast it felt like I was gonna die I was so thirsty but still scared because I was still shaking we were to scared to go to sleep so we stayed up until the sunrise even then we didn't want to go to sleep so I just told her let she just pray together we will feel more safer and the prayer would be stronger if we do it together so we did and then we felt safe after that and fell asleep that was the most terrifying experience I have ever experienced in my life and that's something that I could never forget not that I don't want to remember but when you experience something like that in your life it will haunt you and that's something I just wanted to share because a couple people asked me to share my story

And the second..

Location: Albert. Canada.

Okay so this experience happened to my brother at a pow wow. It was my reserves annual pow wow. me, my friends and my brother were drinking in my trailer. My brother decided to go off with his friends and I was like okay whatever see ya...so like maybe an hour goes by and my brother comes back to the trailer and he's crying like he was terrified (he was 15 at the time so like Idk what could really scare him that bad) anyway I'm like "wtf why are you crying?" And all he said was "Bailey I saw some messed up shit...like idk what I just saw but it was so messed up" eventually after he calmed down he told me what happened.
"So after I went with Thomas we went over to that log to smoke some weed or whatever and we saw this big white tent and it looked like some karaoke was going on it sounded like a lot of people were there so we went over there to see what was happening and as we got close to the tent I just got this weird feeling anyway when we looked inside the tent it was completely empty except for a drum set and a little kid dancing around and some guy with really long hair down to his ankles...he didn't even have normal legs there were like goat legs...he had a top hat and a trench coat, he started playing the guitar and it was most best I've ever heard somebody play the guitar...I think what he was playing was called devils trill (look it up it's scary asf) the music was almost hypnotizing and I was about to walk over to him but something told me I shouldn't so I just started running away and as I was running away random people starting coming out of the bushes.
So anyway after he told me what happened, I wanted to see for myself what was going on so I ran over to the tent he was talking about and it was completely empty and it didn't even take that long for him to run back to the trailer and tell me his whole story. After that he was completely different he started being more religious and I could tell from what he experienced he was obviously traumatized because he had huge dark circles under his eyes and they were also a bit red. So whatever my brother saw must have been evil I think🤷🏽‍♀️

So I'm not from Canada and geography is not my strong part, so I'm not sure how far the two places are from each other, is this a cultural thing? Help a girl out & educate me🤦🏻‍♀️

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