Lake Shawnee Amusement Park

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Location:west Virginia

Mercer County was home to a Native American tribe when a white family settled on their land which turned out to be where their burial ground was. This caused anger which resulted in Mitchell Clay's youngest son Bartley to be killed, his daughter Tabitha to be knifed to death and the kidnap of his eldest son Ezekial .

After Mitchell Clay buried his children, he got support from other white settlers and slaughtered several members of the tribe for revenge for the murders of his children.

Local people believe since then the land has been cursed due to the amount of bad luck that has happened.

In 1920's a business man called Conley Snidow purchased the land and developed it into Lake Shawnee Amusement. Lake Shawnee Amusement was open for 46 years , in that time they had six deaths at the park. Two of which were a little girl in a pink dress who was climbing into the circling swing when  a truck backed into it, killing the little girl. Another child who died at the park was a young boy who drowned in the  pool.

Today the park is said to be only open for certain days of the year  to offer ghost tours. Those who have been there have reported seeing the apparition of a little girl in a pink dress, covered in blood and a male apparition.

Pictures by : the constant rambler

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