Death Row Haunting

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A German man called Frederick Hollman, immigrated to the United States in 1883.

Thirteen years later, he began a murder spree. It's believed he killed as many as seventeen women.

After being found guilty, he was sent to Ford County jail in Illinois as he waited his death sentence.

It's reported that in Interviews he swore to return and haunt those who helped put him behind bars saying " I will haunt them to their graves," he said. "I will rap on their windows at night, and they will see my face at their windows."
Frederick began to haunt the jail not long after his execution in May, 1897. Shadowy figures have been seen in and around his cell and unexplained sounds.

 Shadowy figures have been seen in and around his cell and unexplained sounds

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Death Row Haunting

Prolific serial killer and notorious monster Ted Bundy was executed on the 24th January 1989, by electric chair at Florida State Prison. He described himself as "the most cold-hearted son of a bitch you'll ever meet." He confessed to at least 30 murders between the years of 1974 and 1978, who lured young women to their dooms, often decapitating them or performing sexual acts on their corpses. He was pure evil man who seems to haunt Florida State Prison. Numerous prison guards have reported seeing Bundy's apparition at the prison, one of which claimed to have seen him on the electric chair, smiling at him.

Death Row Haunting

In September 1956, Raymond Snowden brutally murdered a woman named Cora Dean in Garden City, Idaho. He became known as "Idaho's Jack the Ripper" due to stabbing Cora dozens of times. When Snowden was convicted of the killing of Cora Dean he claim that he had killed two more women as well, but there was no evidence to back his claim. His hanging on the 18th October 1957, was the first to be carried out at Old Idaho Penitentiary.

However is hanging didn't go as straight ward as planned. Due to a technical malfunction the drop from the trapdoor did not snap his neck , so instead of killing him instantly it took nearly 20 minutes of him jerking and twirling about on the end of that rope. Those who watch the execution including the victims family saw him choking, gurgling, and gasping for breath before finally dying.

Today the prison is a museum which has had reports of paranormal activity from visitors and staff. Most of the activity is centred around the site of the gallows.
Sounds of choking ,gasping, laughing screaming, during both evening and daylight hours have often been reported. On some occasions there has reports of seeing a full bodied apparition believed to be Snowden.

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