Chapter 2

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All week long I kept seeing both men, they'd be watching me, one seemed to be just looking while the other... He was always smiling, taunting me, like he knew something I didn't.

It was Friday so I was getting ready for the party, Tyler was going to be here in an hour so I was getting ready. I had already washed my hair and let it dry out to be curly, when it was dry id put it into a ponytail, I put a little makeup on, brown eye shadow, clear gloss and mascara and a little eye liner.

I pulled out skinny black jeans, black vans, a lace vest top and a denim jacket. I put them on and ran downstairs to see Tyler in dark jeans and a grey shirt laughing with my mom.

"Someone's looking dapper," I put my phone in my front pocket.

"Thank you, malady," he got up and gave me his arm "Shall we ?"

Mom laughed and shook her head.

"Bye mom, seeya." I grabbed my keys, put them in my jacket pocket. We got into Tyler's car and we made our to Max's house. "Don't forget our deal Ty," I pointed a finger at him.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," he winked and we got out the car. The party was in full swing, people making babies on the front lawn and others were bringing up last nights supper, and Tyler wonders why I don't drink, because of these people right here.

We stepped inside and I was taken back by the smell of smoke, alcohol, sweat and weed. I stood close to Tyler and we went to the kitchen for some drinks, I had a soda since I don't drink while Tyler had a beer.

"I'm gonna go find some girls, you dance, have fun, don't be a party pooper." He finished his beer and left, I started talking to some girls from my Spanish class. A new song came on and some guy pulled me onto the dance floor, Blame by Calvin Harris came on and he put his hands on my hips and we swayed and jumped around, by the end of the song I was boiling and thirsty, I left him and grabbed a can of Pepsi.

"Hello beautiful," I closed the fridge door to show a sandy haired boy with bright green eyes.

"Hey Justin, what's up ?" I opened the can.

"I'm glad you came tonight," he moved closer so I took a step back.

"Tyler begged me to, thought I might as well since I had nothing better to do."

"Where is Tyler tonight ?" He looked out onto the living room, I followed his gaze and saw Tyler on the table dancing, then taking off his shirt.

"Oh butter sticks, hold my drink for me," I gave him my can and walked to where Tyler was shirtless on a table. "TYLER RIED GET DOWN HERE NOW!" He pouted and jumped down.

"What do you want Avalon ?" He slurred so I knew he'd had too much to drink.

"Come with me, and you promised no stripping!" I grabbed his shirt and dragged him to Justin, "hey can Ty stay here tonight? I don't trust him to drive and I can't drive so ?"

"Sure guest bedroom's on the left." I pulled Tyler off to the rooms and put him in the bed, when I'd finished I went back to Justin, he passed me back my drink.

"Thanks, I better go though, when Ty wakes up tell him to call me." I downed the rest of the can and waved to him.

I pushed through everyone and got out onto the street, I lived four blocks away so I started walking, after about one block I started to feel a little dizzy, I shook it off and kept walking but it wouldn't budge.

I saw a man walk towards me and I bumped into him accidentally.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to walk into you," he just smiled, but not a friendly smile, more of the one a hungry Lion gave it's prey before eating it.

"Don't worry about it, what's you name ?"

"Avalon," I took a step back "I should get going, nice seeing you," I went to step around him but he grabbed my arm before I could. "Please let me go."

"As tempting as that is, no," he pulled me into the ally next to us, I tried screaming for help but he back handed me. "Shut up bitch!" I cradled my cheek and crawled to a wall, in an effort to get away.

"Doesn't she look tasty," another man joined him and only one thought came to mind.

I'm going to die at the hands of these two.

The second man crouched down next to me, he raised his hand and I flinched. My sight started getting blurry, Max must of spiked my drink!

"Please let me go," I had tears streaming down my face.

"Sorry darling, but my friends and I are hungry," he looked back to someone and I noticed a third man, he looked familiar, "What you say boss ? Fancy a bite ?" Then it clicked.

"You," I remembered who he was, he was the man who had been watching me at night. "You've been watching me."

He studied me for a minute before answering the other man.

"Have at it," I screamed as I felt to fangs pierce my neck, he held me still as I screamed. Just as I thought it was the end two wolves pounced, one black as night the other brown, the big black one pounced on the guy who bit me, he looked at me before biting his head off, I crawled away and was tackled by the window guy. "I'll be back," he let go and ran off, I took deep breaths and put my hand to my neck, it felt wet so I pulled it away to show the blood. I stumbled a little, the drug from my drink taking effect.

"Oh no," I pushed the hair out of my eyes, it fell out of the ponytail when he pulled me into the ally. When I looked to see what happened with the wolves and the men I was speechless, the brown wolf turned into a tall girl in black skinny jeans and a black vest. The black wolf changed into a man wearing similar clothes, I recognised him immediately. "You," I fell back onto the floor, fighting to keep my eyes open, I shuffled back until I hit a wall "Please leave me be, don't be like them, please." My voice was starting to waver and my eyes were drooping.

"You know her ?" The girl asked my day stalker.

"No, but they obviously wanted her, we'll have to take her back with us, where is my brother ?"

"He said he was at a party a block away, he'll be here."

I heard someone running and stopped behind the guy and girl, I looked up and recognised him.

"Avalon ?"

"Hunter ?" Then the darkness took over.

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