Chapter 7

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We parked outside Chloe's house and stood together before going in.

"So who's not drinking tonight ?" I looked around and Archer and Hunter raised their hands. "Okay, let's go have some fun!" Hunter grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the booming music with the others behind. We walked inside and straight to the drinks, everyone grabbed a cup, while I grabbed a Pepsi, then moved to the dance floor. I started dancing with Dayton and Vicky.

"How come you have such hot friends ?" Dayton was eyeing up Tyler which made Vic and I giggle.

"How come you got such hot cousins ?" Vicky was eyeing up the Black brothers.

"And what about Lincoln ?" I gave her my best 'uh-huh' look.

"He's fit don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna go and mess up whatever that is with him, but you're single and by the looks of those boys over there, they want to mingle with you," she winked at me and Dayton giggled.

"I'm happy being single, thank you very MUCH, besides there's two of them, how would I chose ?" I was joking and Vicky knew it, but decided to play along.

"Well Hunter is pretty hot and has this whole 'I'm so bad and untouchable' thing going on while Archer is the definition of a bad boy, the kind that screams 'I need a good girl to change me'" I laughed at her descriptions.

"How will I ever chose ?" I continued to dance around for a while before Lincoln came up to us and started to dance with Vicky.

"They look cute together," Dayton shouted over the music.

"Yeah, its a kinda everyone knows but them relationship," her mouth formed a 'o' shape.Outside by Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding came on while we were dancing.

Look at all you've done,

Stand still, falling away from me

When it takes so long

Fires out, what do you want to be.

"Dance with me," Hunter shouted in my ear and spun me around, I looked over my shoulder to see if it was okay with Dayton but she was already dancing with Tyler so I just stepped closer to Hunter. He put his hands on my waist and we started swaying to the music.

Gotta be so strong,

There's power in whatcha do and every other thing I'll be watching you

Ohhh, ohhh.

We were jumping around to the beat and I found myself actually enjoying the party, we swayed for a while smiling and laughing at our equally bad dance moves, I had my arms around his neck leaning in close laughing with him when I spotted Archer, he was drinking a bottle of beer watching us dance, I smiled at him and he smiled back. I danced with Hunter for a while until the song ended. When it did I left him to dance with some redhead and made my way to Archer.

"Hey, you enjoying ?" I stood next to him, looking out at all the people dancing.

"Yeah, haven't been to a high school party for years," he took a sip of his bottle before turning to me. "Have you, ever drank alcohol ?"

"Once, didn't like it very much," I made a face which caused him to laugh.

"Take a sip," he passed me his bottle so I bit my lip.

"I don't know," it's only a sip...

"Try it, loosen up a little, don't like it, don't have to have it ever again," I chewed my lip for a few minutes before deciding.

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