Chapter 15

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We all jumped up as the sound of crashing came from the club outside the door. I glanced at one of Damien's men who was watching me.

"You knew this would happen, you planned it!" I glared at him as Max pinned him to the wall, "Why ?"

"Like Damien said, your valuable, I could have my weight in gold and a drop of her blood would make me invincible !" His fangs came out as he hissed at me. Archer came up next to me then shoved a stake into the vampire's chest.

"We need to get you out of here," Archer grabbed me then we all ran out to the dance floor with Damien and Max behind us, the room was filled with vampires fighting the party people, Archer held me close as Hunter, Max, Damien and Dayton fought off the vamps around us. "Stay with me, no matter what make sure you always stay with me," he leaned down to give me a quick kiss before leading us away from the fighting.

"What was that ?" Tyler shot me an accusing look, I shrugged in reply and kept running. We went to go to the back exit when five vamps came out of no where and attacked.

Dayton was kicking here and there, Hunter had a vampire jump on his back which I kicked off, Max was like a killing machine, staking vampires left and right, Tyler had a stake and was helping Archer while Damien was struggling with the vampire on his left, he tried to shake her but she wouldn't leave, so I moved towards them, I had taken gymnastics until the age of eleven so I was pretty flexible, I kicked my leg up and it connected to her temple, she fell down like a sack of potatoes.

"Nice kick," Damien staked the vamp on the floor.

"Thanks," I looked around at the fighting and spotted more coming our way. "We're going to have to fight our way out," I took a stake from Dayton's belt and started to help Damien.

"Archer ! We need to find a way to get to the front !" Damien held back a vampire as I staked him.

"Stay in pairs or three's !" We all agreed then started to move, Max and Damien stayed with me as we moved towards the bar, I spotted a bar belonging to the lighting next to the bar.

"Hey Max, does fire really kill vamps ?" I kicked one away, right into Damien's stake.

"Yeah why ?" He was fighting two vampires himself.

"You guys got a lighter ?" I spun around and kicked one in the stomach.

"Here," Archer threw me his lighter to me from his position about five vampires away, I shoved the lighter down my top, actually a handy place to put things.

"What are you doing ?" Max pushed a vampire to the ground before Dayton staked her with her stiletto.

"I have an Idea, cover me," I staked the vampire I was fighting before jumping forward, grabbing the bar and did a flip in the air before landing on the bar, I kicked a vampire in the face before jumping behind the bar, grabbing two liquor bottles, I poured them over the vampires and the floor, I picked up a few other bottles took off the top to shove a rag inside it, I got out the lighter and lit the rag. "Get down!" Everyone who seemed to be fighting the vamps ducked as I threw the bottle then it hit the ground and caught fire.

I repeated this three more times before people realized that I was doing this, and a heck of vamps started to come at me.

"AVALON!" Archer and Hunter ran to the bar to help me out, I poured more drink on the floor before letting my last bottle of alcohol with rag catch fire then letting it drop. The flames came up so fast I fell back onto the floor.

"Avalon ?" Archer screamed out.

"I'm fine, don't worry, just get us out of here !" A vampire jumped over the bar then punched me in the jaw, I fell onto my knees and spat out blood.

"Did I make the little girl cry ?" The man grinned down at me, I turned around so I was propped up on my elbows, smirking.

"No, you just made her mad," I scissors kicked his legs so he fell down, I moved to I was straddling him then started to punch, I had the upper hand when I noticed the ceiling caving in. "The building is collapsing !" I heard movement which suggested that everyone, alive, was getting out. My attacker took his chances and attacked again but I managed to stake him in the process, I smirked but my victory was short lived.

"Lunch time," a female vamp jumped down from a bar and bit into my neck. Hard.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I let out a blood curdling scream as she bit harder.

"Avalon !" Hunter shouted trying to find me.

"Get out," I felt myself getting weaker, but Hunter didn't seem to move "NOW !" he grabbed everyone and ran. I felt the she-leech behind me go limp, taking us both to the floor, when I looked up a blonde haired girl with blue eyes was staring back at me.

"It's okay, we're going to get out of here," she smiled.

And the weak feeling pulled me under.












Picture on side is Raine

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