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~Avalon's Necklace on Side~>~

Archer's POV

Once I left Avalon I went for a drink, I had to leave, I had leave, if I stayed I would only hurt her.

I don't know how long I stood there but was brought back to reality when someone touched my arm.

"Look at you, all alone, someone as good looking as you should always have someone around," the woman from earlier was practically dry humping my side.

"Excuse me, I'm sure your husband is looking for you, so why don't you stop dry humping my friend here like a horny chihuahua," Lizze smiled from next to me and the cougar glared before walking off.

"What do you want Lizzie ?" I stared at her with daggers, she had hurt Avalon, and that alone was enough to hate her.

"Careful there sparky, I just saved you from being felt up by a elderly, don't I get some gratitude ?" She smirked and took my drink and took a sip. "Mmmm, tastes like someone spiked the punch, good because I really needed some alcohol."

"Give back my drink," I took back my cup. "What do you want Lizze ? I'm not a patient person."

"Oh I remember," she smirked looking me up and down. "I just wanted to see why you were alone, shouldn't you be with your precious Avalon ?"

"Probably with her boyfriend," I somehow managed to not sound bitter while saying it.

"It must kill you inside to know that she won't ever love you again, all because you selfishly hurt her."

"Why don't you go spread your legs for someone who gives a damn," I pushed past her but stopped in my tracks when she called out.

"She'll never forgive you, deep down you know she will never truly forgive you for what you did," I kept walking till I reached our table, everyone was there except Lincoln, Vicky and Avalon.

"Where is Vic and Av ? And Linc ? I thought they would be here with you guys ?" I looked around and everyone shrugged. A shrill scream broke our thoughts as some sophomore girl ran in crying.

"He's dead!" We all got up and ran outside when she screamed that, we found Lincoln on the floor covered in blood, Chloe started sobbing and held onto Damien, Tyler felt to the floor so Dayton held onto him, I smelt around to see if it was only his blood, that maybe Vicky and Avalon were close by. Alive.

"It's just his blood, we need to get out of here, chances are if he's dead they have Vicky and Avalon," I got up and we started to walk away to our cars.

"That's my friend! How can you walk away like nothing happened ? AM I the only one who cares ?!" Chloe was screeching at us so I walked up to her and glared at her.

"I care, we all do but he's dead, we can't do anything for a dead man," She sobbed harder. "The people who killed Lincoln now have Vicky and Avalon, when we get back to the house I will explain everything but right now we need to get home so we can save them because I have already lost that girl once and I refuse to lose her again."

Everyone stayed silent, even Chloe stopped to look at me, she wiped her eyes before nodding. We all climbed in our cars and drove back to the house, Tyler was on the phone to Avalon's mom explaining what happened, I'd have to compel Vicky's mom later.

I had already lost Avalon, I was not about to lose her again.

I'm going to find you Avalon.

I promise you.


Well Pure Blood is finished, hope you liked it x I will be writing a sequel, I will be posting it after I've finished my new book Caged, Hope you can comment what you think, I'd love to know what you think of Archer and Avalon's Relationship and Hunter and Avalon's Relationship.

Also what do you think of Stefan ? And Lizze ?

Any Ideas you have for Book 2 comment and if you want try and predict what happens, person to guess the closest can have a dedication xx

~CatJ x

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