Chapter 6

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The rest of the week Hunter took me to school and Archer would pick me up, in lessons I had Hunter watching me, at lunch he sat alone making sure I was okay.

It was Friday and I was sitting with Chloe, Lizzie, Vicky, Lincoln and Tyler, we were laughing while sitting outside against a tree. I could see Hunter watching and felt sorry that he was alone.

"Hey guys ?" They all looked at me "Could I invite Hunter over here ? He looks so alone," they all glanced at Hunter who had looked down quickly.

"Why ? He looks like he likes being a loner," Lizzie shrugged.

"And he's weird, why would we want him to sit with us ?" Chloe glared.

"Because I said," she swung her head around to me, usually I didn't become defensive about people unless it was someone here but Hunter, Archer and Dayton had saved me and it didn't feel right to let my friends talk about them this way. "Maybe he sits alone because people keep thinking he's a loner and weird and no one even gave him a chance due to prejudice."

"God who died this time to make you a bitch ?" Chloe slapped her hand over her mouth when she realised what she said "Ava, I didn't mean it I-"

"Forget it, if you want me I'll be with Hunter," I got up and walked over to Hunter's table. "Hey, mind if I sit ?" He pulled out the chair next to him so I sat down.

"You okay ?" He had an arm on the back of my chair.

"Yes, honestly, just a little comment won't upset me," he gave me a one arm hug and pushed a strand of hair away from my face.

"Good, because sticks and stones may break our bones but words can never hurt us."

"That is one of the cheesiest things ever said," we burst into laughter, Hunter and I sat back.

"Do you like cheesy?" He was smirking at me.

"Are you kidding ? Avalon lives for the cheesy, sappy crap," Tyler sat opposite Hunter with his food.

"She always dreamed of being whisked off her feet by the man of her dreams," Vicky giggled at Lincoln's mimic of me, Vicky sat next to me while Lincoln sat between her and Tyler.

"Hey, we haven't officially been introduced, I'm Tyler, this is Lincoln and that's Vicky," Tyler took one of Vicky's fries.

"Hey, back off bub," she slapped his hand away and turned to Hunter. "Sorry about these morons, so how did you and Avalon become friends then ?"

"We have a few classes together and had a few projects together but we never really talked much, actually we started talking more at Justin's party last week," he looked to me for confirmation so I nodded.

"Really ? Huh, do you know why Justin was apologizing to her on Monday then ?" He looked to me once Vicky had asked and I shrugged.

"You didn't tell them ?"

"I figured since Archer had already sorted it why bother," I avoided eye contact.

"So what did he do and who's Archer ?" Lincoln leaned in and I noticed the others were too. Hunter looked at me so I nodded.

"He roofied her, since my brother, cousin and I were at the party we took her back to ours for the night and in the morning explained what happened and she stayed over for the rest of the weekend."

"I thought you said you were at your aunt Kate's all weekend ?" Tyler looked at me.

"Would you really tell your best friend on the phone you got roofied and are now at a friend's house panicking about what happened ?" He shook his head, got up, walked around the table and hugged me.

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