Chapter 1

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"Wake up Avalon, don't make me make you." I groaned and turned over and put a pillow on my head to block out Tyler. "Fine, don't say I didn't warn you." I heard him walk away and relaxed a little, next thing I know i had a bucket of cold water poured on me. I jumped up and screamed.

"WHAT THE FUDGEBALLS WAS THAT FOR TYLER ?!?" I glared at him and crawled out of my now water bed.

"You wouldn't get up." He shrugged like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"You are cleaning that up," I stormed into the bathroom, locked the door and got into the shower. When I got out I was dressed in a baggy white shirt and matching converse, with red jeans. I brushed my brown hair and it fell in its natural waves.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my bag then got into Tyler's car.

"Took you long enough," he pulled out of the driveway and made our way to school.

"I only took an hour to get ready."

"Whatever you say, you studied for that English test ?"

"Yeah, did you ?"

"What do you think ?" He winked at me and we pulled up into the school.

"I'll give you the answers, sit by me in class, see you later." He nodded and we parted ways. I went to my locker to get out my maths book, I closed my locker, turned to walk away and ran into a broad chest, causing both of our books to fly everywhere.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry, I'm such a klutz," I need to be more careful, I quickly picked up my books and the person's books and passed them theirs, I looked up and noticed it was Hunter Black, the school's loner and every girl's crush, he had the whole dark and mysterious look with his dark brown hair and blue eyes with amber flecks, add the leather jacket and you have the ideal storybook bad boy. Yes he was nice, I had a few classes with him, Social studies, Algebra and Psychology, but he was a loner, always had been.

"Don't worry about it Ariel," he flashed me a smile and walked past me.

"Its Avalon," I called after him but he had already passed me, I got into Trigonometry and worked on the equations on the board.

By lunch I was starving, I quickly grabbed some food from my locker and sat with Tyler outside since it was a sunny day. Usually we sat with a few others like Lincoln, Vicky, Chloe and Lizzie but the girls had yearbook club and Lincoln had a meeting with coach.

"What's up Greene ?" I sat down next to him and we swapped drinks, it was routine, everyday his mom would pack his lunch and give him a cranberry juice while my mom gave me apple juice, we always traded instead of telling them, it was what we'd grown used to.

We dug into our food talking about school gossip, despite Tyler being a guy he gossiped more then Gossip Girl.

"There is a party on Friday, Justin's house and I scored us an invite, so ? You in ?"

"Nope, the last party we went to you got drunk and I ended up dragging you back to mine for three blocks." I took a bite of my apple.

"That happened one time..."

"Twice actually, and the time you threw up all over Christina."

"Well yeah but-"

"And the time you went streaking and got arrested."

"That was a dare!"

"Either way you and alcohol is not a good idea." I threw my apple core in the bin.

"All the more reason for you to come and keep an eye on me." He got on his knees and clasped his hands together with a puppy dog face "Please come to the party, I promise to behave please join me in this mega cool party. Pretty please with a cherry on top." He looked like a five year old begging his mother for sweets.



"BUT you give me a ride there and a ride back."

"Deal." He picked me up and spun me around in circles, "Thank you shorty, you are amazing, I love you." I laughed at his statement and he put me down.

"Whatever just keep your word and we won't have a problem." I gave him a kiss on the cheek "now I'll meet you at the car after school, I have to go see a teacher about some extra credit work." As I was leaving I saw a tall guy watching me from the sidewalk next to the school. He looked really familiar and even a bit good looking with the black hair and brown eyes, at least that's what they looked like from this distance, he was well built and had long enough hair to run your hands through it. He caught me looking and quickly walked away.


I didn't have time to dwell because I had work to do. I turned and walked into the school but couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching me, I looked back and spotted him looking back at me, I then ran up through the door, away from his piercing gaze.


When I got home Mom was cooking pasta.

"Hey mom, need help ?" I put my bag on the counter and took a taste of the sauce.

"Sure, can you put out the plates and the cutlery on the table please hunny ?"

"Yep," I grabbed the plates, knives and forks and put them out on the table.

"Once your done can you call your father ?" I nodded and I was finished I popped into dad's study.

"Hey dad, foods out." He got up and followed me to the dining room, when we all sat down and dug in.

"How was your day hunny ?" Mom asked between forkfuls of spaghetti.

"Good, oh can I go to spark on Friday ? I'll probably end up staying over Tyler's the whole weekend, that okay ?" They nodded and we carried on with polite conversation.

When id finished my food I went to my room to finish my homework, once I was done I got into my PJ's then went to close my curtains when I spotted a strange man watching me from across the road. He smiled at me and winked, unlike the other man he had short almost white hair with bright eyes, I didn't get a good luck because as soon as I blinked he was gone, i shut the curtains and got into bed, this w was all my imagination by morning I'd forget all about the two stalkers and everything would be fine.

Right ?

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