Chapter 12 ; Trailing to Insanity

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Liy's POV

No... No. NO! I can't give in now, I've taken an deep breath, and looked up to Book with an growl. She had an grin earlier, but frowned at the sight of me not giving in.

She held an wooden bat, and chuckled. "God, you're one tough cookie... What if..." She grabbed my water and food. "I don't give you your needs? You'll surely go insane like that!" I was starting to give in, with an upset face. "God, you're really stupid."

"What the fuck did you just say?"

I shifted myself to the side, giving an snarky grin. "You're stupid. You may be an dictionary, but you forgot to look in yourself!" I said, with an laugh. Book grabbed me, and smacked me with the bat, pushing me back. I cried in pain. "Gh...!"

Book chuckled. "You're honestly weak yourself, I'll make you stronger evnetually." She had walked away with an snarky grin. I sighed, feeling hopeless.

Leafy's POV

Stop. I screamed out. Feeling in pain, I couldn't be shown like this. I stood up, clenching my fists. I felt an voice, behind me. I croaked, as I turned around in fear.

Firey stood there, shocked. "W-What's going on.. Leafy?" He was taking steps back, afraid. I reached out. "W-Wait! This isn't.. ME!" I screamed in pain, as I felt something hold me back.  Firey backed away in fear, turning around and running. I reached out, trying to grab him, but I felt myself dragging back.

I turned around to see Zero, pulling me away. I was screaming out for help. "S-Stop... PLEASE!" I screamed out, as I only saw darkness.


I nervously chatted with the 3, just hanging out. I've gathered some notes about each of my.. Teammates? That sounds odd saying it. I suppose, here's my notes!

Bell seems to be rather hyper, and cheerful. But she's rather sassy and fussy. I suppose after her thing with Taco, that would seem fair.

Puffball is overly positive, and it's obvious she nearly overdoses on happy pills. I suppose she's the best person to talk to for an happy mood. Though that's kindof an understatement cause she always cries and stuff.

Fries is one of the best people to relate to. He attempts to stabilize the entire team, and comforts both of them. It's a bit too obvious that he has an crush of Puffball. But I don't really get into love life that well so.. I'll leave them to it.

I decided to go outside, and run around to spot Grassy who runs up to me and hugs me. "O-Oh! Hi Grassy!"

"Grassy is happy to see X!" He shouts, Blocky runs close behind to see me. "Oh hey X."

"Hi! I'm glad to see that you two made it."

"Yeah, same. Grassy's been awful sad, so this comfort is nice."

"That's nice to hear! I gotta go though." I began to run off to get some groceries and turned around to wave goodbye. They waved back. I could honestly get used to this! That was until I've had the worst thing occur to me.

I wish I had never experienced it. Let me tell you.. about that.

Narrator's POV

X woke up to find Zero facing him, with Leafy tied up next to Zero. She was moving around, crying for help. X got up, startled by the sight. "W-What the hell?! Why is she metal?" X began to look at Zero, nervous. He froze up. "...She's soon to go on rampage, and guess what? You're the first victim!" X was nervous, and growled.

"Four, just stop! This game isn't fun anymore." X called out, holding Four. "...I get you love to harm others, but this sick game you think is fun will kill everybody you ever loved!" He cried out, gripping his arms around Zero.

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